6 Ways to Deal With Sleep Apnea

6 Ways to Deal With Sleep Apnea : Sleep apnea is a severe sleep disorder, but most people do not seem to give it the seriousness it deserves. This ailment entails a pause in breathing a couple or even dozens of times when sleeping. The fact that millions of individuals across the world suffer from this condition shows just how widespread and severe it is.

People that have sleep apnea will feel exhausted during the day, have mood swings and it can even affect their health in different ways. However, the good thing is that there are many ways to deal with sleep apnea and the following are some of the most efficient ones.

1. Lifestyle Changes

Once you identify that you have obstructive or central sleep apnea, the first step should be to visit a doctor to confirm your diagnosis. After this, you will need to make some lifestyle changes to deal with the problem. Avoid alcohol as much as possible, and this is more so if you drink daily and also take too much of it. Alcohol not only interferes with your REM sleep, but it also slows your breathing significantly. Also, you have to quit smoking because it also affects the air passages and air flow.


2. Work on your Sleep

How long your sleep, the place you sleep and your sleep position are important factors that you need to consider when dealing with sleep apnea. First, an adult should sleep for at least eight hours every day. Secondly, you need to slumber in a comfortable room and bed. To make sure that the room is conducive you should humidify, turn on the air conditioner, make the room dark and also clean. The bed should be comfortable to get the right amount of sleep. Consider a queen air foam mattress made of the right materials and a memory foam pillow to support your head, and you should sleep on the side or your stomach.

Lastly, using a sleep aid device called an automatic positive airway pressure (APAP) machine can help. An APAP appliance provides a steady stream of oxygenated air down the user’s airways to ease breathing problems and reduce snoring. This way, the user (and their bedfellow) can enjoy uninterrupted sleep at night.


3. Lose Weight

You cannot deal with sleep apnea and most other sleep disorders without shedding some pounds. Obesity and being overweight are among the primary causes of this condition and for some people they are the only reason why they have the problem. Being overweight means that fat will also accumulate on your throat and this, in turn, makes the airways small or tight hence leading to the temporary pause in breathing when sleeping. Whether you will go on a diet plan or start working out, just make sure that you lose the extra pounds as this will help deal with the condition.


4. Keep Nasal Passages Open When Sleeping

When your nasal passages are congested, you are more likely to suffer a sleep apnea incidence. If you know that you have this sleep problem, it is important to make sure that your nasal passages are open every day before you go to bed. It is very easy to do this as you only need to use a special saline spray for the nose. However, it is important to talk to your physician before using antihistamines and decongestants because most experts will only recommend them as a temporary solution.


5. Avoid Sleeping Pills and Tranquilizers

Sleeping pills are among the medications that people tend to abuse a lot. After a busy day at work and with another one coming the following day you will not be happy if you keep turning and tossing in bed. And so to ensure that you fall asleep fast you will be tempted to use sleeping pills and tranquilizers. However, you should avoid them at all cost if you have sleep apnea. Apart from them being addictive they also relax the muscles in the throat, and this will interfere with breathing and lead to sleep apnea. There are many natural methods that you can use to ensure you fall asleep fast and so you should never turn to sleeping pills.


6. Correct Underlying Problems

Just like any other disorder, some underlying problems can lead to sleep apnea. By solving these root causes, you should be able to deal with the problem. Consult your doctor for some assessment on what is causing the apnea and once you know it the next important step is to treat it. Anything from cardiovascular diseases to diabetes and enlarged tonsils can cause this problem, and so you need to visit a hospital for tests.

Whether it is central or obstructive sleep apnea, it will affect you in various ways, and so it is vital to deal with the problem promptly. And with the five ways to deal with sleep apnea above in mind, this should not be a problem.




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6 Ways to Deal With Sleep Apnea

Author Bio:

I am Jane Collins, a blogger at g9sleeptight.com. I love sharing many useful tips and solutions to help you have a good night’s sleep. Follow me on Twitter, @g9sleeptight.


6 Ways to Deal With Sleep Apnea

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