7 Easy Ways to Cope with a Tennis Elbow Injury : Elbow injuries in women are becoming common nowadays. This is because women are more and more involved with physical activities, such as sports and manual labor. Elbow injuries in women are becoming common nowadays. This is because women are more and more involved with physical activities, such as sports and manual labor.
Tennis Elbow injury is characterized by pain and inflammation at the elbow and the upper arm, which is caused by repetitive actions that involve these body parts.
If you have accidentally injured your elbow due to a repetitive action (not necessarily sports), here are 7 easy ways to cope with your tennis elbow injury.
1. Apply ice to the area
You can apply an ice pack to the elbow and upper arm twice a day for 30 minutes at 5 to 10-minute intervals. The ice will reduce the pain and inflammation because it contracts the blood vessels.
Don’t apply the ice directly to the skin because the ice can stick to the skin and cause injury. In addition, avoid continuous application without intervals because it will cause skin damage too.
2. Compress the area
You can use a towel to compress the area, but the best tennis elbow brace suitable for the size of your armies best. The elbow brace will tend to reduce the inflammation and help promote the natural healing process of the injured elbow and arm.
3. Elevate your arm
Elevating your arm will promote better circulation and will release the stress and tension off your upper arm. A better blood circulation will hasten the healing of the inflamed or injured tendon in your elbows.
The elevation will also help reduce the pain, and will facilitate your recuperation from the injury.
4. Take a rest
If the pain is extreme, you have to rest your arm and elbow. Allow time for it to heal and rest. Muscles and joints need rest too. They are not machines that are tireless. In fact, your whole body needs rest, as well.
Know when to take that much-required rest to relax your skeletal muscles and rejuvenate your body cells.
5. Apply warm compress
When the inflammation subsides with the ice pack treatment, you can now use warm compress to enhance the healing of the injured muscles, tendons, or joints. Apply the warm compress morning and evening for 30 minutes at 5 to 10-minute intervals.
Apply the warm compress all over the painful area. The temperature of the warm compress must not be too hot for your skin to handle. Typically, it would be 45 degrees Celsius.
6. Do some stretches
Don’t rest your elbow and arm for so long. This can be counter-productive. You have to perform some stretches to keep your arm and elbow working. If they stay dormant for too long, making use of them after a long time can cause more damages.
It’s just like a car being parked in your garage for too long; rusts may corrode its parts and destroy them altogether.
Do some stretches to lubricate your joints anew and allow their smooth movements.
7. Live a healthy life
You can get well swiftly from any illness or conditions, if you have been living a healthy life. How can you live a healthy life? The rules you have to follow are simple, but a Herculean task to accomplish.
Nevertheless, you have to observe them if you want to stay fit, trim and healthy. Here are the rules to live a healthy life:
- You should get enough sleep, at least, 8 hours a day. When you don’t sleep well,your mental and physical abilities are reduced.
- Have you noticed that you can’t focus well on your work, when you lack sleep? It’s because sleep refreshes your entire system, especially your brain.
- Eat a balanced diet by avoiding too much fat and eating more of fruits and vegetables. The bad fats (very low density lipoprotein) can cause cardiac conditions, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction (MI) and cerebrovascular attack (CVA).
- Hydrate yourself sufficiently by drinking more than 8 glasses of water every day. Your body is made up of 60% to 70% of water. Your body cells require ample water to be able to perform their physiological functions.
- Also, you should avoid taking in illegal drugs, nicotine and too much caffeine. These are all toxic substances that can destroy the normal functions of your body.
If the pain and inflammation of your elbow and arm don’t go away, it’s time you have to consult your doctor. The doctor may prescribe medications and some steroid injections for you. However, drugs should be your last remedy. Any type of drug will always have a side effect. So, use them sparingly and only when extremely necessary.
Natural therapy is still the best method of choice when treating your illnesses because they rarely have side effects that could be damaging to your body. Live your life healthily and you would reap the benefits eventually.
Author bio:
Adelaide is a medical technologist by profession. She’s most interested in techniques to stay fit, trim and healthy. She had injuries related to sports, which she was able to resolve eventually. So, she wants to help people overcome their health problems. Visit her website at https://www.alifebeauty.com/.
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