8 Ways To Relieve Anxiety In Senior Adults : Anxiety disorders are very prevalent in senior adults. Their family members pay great attention to their physical health but never enough to their mental health. 10-20% of senior adults worldwide have anxiety disorders. It may be due to excess free time in their everyday routine and inability to do tasks. There can be several other reasons, such as any other chronic illness, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.
Severe anxiety, if prolonged, can result in further complications in senior adults. Many people don’t try to find a solution to these anxiety disorders due to their lack of information about mental illnesses. However, if you take the proper treatment, anxiety disorders are treatable to a great extent. Here are some ways that can help relieve anxiety in senior adults:
Professional Help and Counseling
If there are any anxiety symptoms, seek professional help without further delay. No one can help treat mental health illnesses better than health professionals. They can help you relax and relieve your stress and anxiety at a faster pace. Anxiety disorders often stay undiagnosed and untreated because patients usually do not consider going to health professionals for mental illnesses.
However, doctors and nurses have a massive role in the anxiety management of senior adults. Nurses can help reduce anxiety in senior adults by assessing and diagnosing the disorders. The way to a skilled nurse is through an accelerated nursing program. Registered nurses can make a difference in healthcare but one should also know what to expect from an ABSN program in order to pursue it as a career.
Eat a Healthy and Balanced diet.
Diet has a significant impact on your mental health along with your physical health. If you eat a highly nutritious diet, your body’s needs will be fulfilled, and you will be able to attain good physical and mental health. Furthermore, when consumed, certain foods and ingredients can stimulate unpleasant reactions in the body. It can also aggravate feelings of unease and irritability. These sudden mood changes can lead to anxiety or a bad mood in general.
Therefore, you have to be very cautious about your eating habits. Watch what you eat and keep a check on your allergies and trigger foods as well. Your diet should be balanced, containing all the essential nutrients your body requires. It will help you prevent and control anxiety orders.
Add a little exercise to your daily routine.
Older adults who have anxiety mostly lead a sedentary lifestyle. A significant amount of physical activity is required in your daily routine to sustain reasonable physical and mental health. Therefore, make sure you exercise for about 30-45 minutes every day.
It is scientifically proven that exercise makes you feel better and helps relieve stress and anxiety. It causes the release of happy hormones, I.e., endorphins, endogenous cannabinoids, and other chemicals in the brain that make you feel good and alleviate anxiety symptoms. Exercise also improves your memory and blood flow to the brain.
Take enough sleep
Lack of sleep can also lead to distress and anxiety, especially in an old age. Make sure you’re taking a sufficient amount of sleep daily. 6-8 hours of sleep daily is your body’s requirement for proper functioning. If you do not sleep enough throughout the day, you will be exhausted and restless by the end of the day. Therefore, your sleep cycle plays a great part in your mental health as well as your physical well-being.
Mindful meditation
It is suggested that senior adults try meditation if they experience anxiety or depression. Mindful meditation proves to be a positive influence on your mental health. You are more likely to stay calm and attain inner peace when you practice mindful meditation for stress and anxiety. It helps you achieve tranquility and relaxation.
Following are some of the benefits the meditation brings:
- Improves your sleep cycle
- Helps control stress
- Aids in self-analysis and self-awareness
- Keeps you optimistic
- Boosts your creativity, memory, and imagination
- Increases patience
- Lowers your blood pressure and resting heart rate
Make Hobbies
Sitting idle most of the day is one of the most significant causes of constantly escalating anxiety in senior adults. Most older adults have a lot of spare time throughout the day but not even things to kill that time. It is recommended for older people with anxiety to add some hobbies to their daily schedule.
For instance, you can do gardening, knitting, sewing, watching TV shows, etc., to kill time. Engaging in productive activities keeps you away from negative thoughts and emotions.
Socialize with People
Feeling isolated and lonely may also be one great cause of anxiety in older adults. Most people tend to stay alone because they think they will feel better after some time, but it never happens, which is why it is essential to engage with the right people every once in a while.
You can join groups and social clubs for senior adults where you will find people of the same group and similar interests. Go out with them and enjoy the little things. Doing something as small as this can make your day better than you can imagine. Because staying alone at home will only trigger negative emotions and feelings, and you would not be able to get over them.
Talk to someone about your feelings.
The wrong choice senior adults with anxiety often make is their refusal to share their feelings with anyone. They prefer staying alone and never telling anyone how they feel. It makes the situation get worse and can lead to several severe problems. Instead of self-sabotaging, you should talk to a trustworthy friend or counselor about your anxiety and depression.
They can not only listen and make you feel better but also help you find a solution to your problems. Sharing your problems can be very beneficial. Make sure you do not keep it all to yourself.
Senior adults often face severe anxiety issues with the rising age. But mental health disorders are mostly neglected and not paid enough attention. That is part of the problem. One’s physical well-being is very much affected by their mental state. However, it is also possible to manage anxiety disorders. Senior adults can take some steps to alleviate the symptoms, such as going for counseling, eating a healthy diet, taking proper sleep, meditation, workout, socializing with people, opening up to friends, making productive and fun hobbies, etc. Doing at least a few of these will keep you from feeling anxious and you will be able to feel happier and content.
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