9 Incredible Intermittent Fasting Results

9 Incredible Intermittent Fasting Results : Intermittent fasting is when you set aside specific times during the day or week for eating and the rest of the time for fasting. Intermittent fasting can be done in several ways. Some fasters choose to fast for one or two days at a time.

Others choose to fast for 18 hours a day. Both options are solid ways to remove your body from the “fed” state and place it into the “fasted” state. Your body is in the fed state when it’s absorbing and digesting foods.

Your body enters the “fasted” state 12 hours after the last meal. The intermittent fasting results that your body will experience are worth the effort to try this new better-health technique. Continue reading below to learn more.

  1. Weight Loss

    Weight loss is one of the most popular reasons for intermittent fasting. Glucose is your body’s main energy source from food. When your body is low on glucose, it starts to burn fat for fuel.

    This is a well-known process called ketosis. Intermittent fasting drains your body of glucose, ultimately placing it in a state of ketosis. Once you enter ketosis, you’ll start to notice significant weight loss because your body is burning your fat.

  2. Brain Health

    It’s safe to say that most things that are good for your body’s health are good for your brain health as well. Intermittent fasting is beneficial to the brain because it improves metabolic features and reduces stress, inflammation, and blood sugar levels. It also protects nerves cells from degeneration.

    As you age, your neurons shrink and your brain volume declines because there’s less blood flow to the brain. Intermittent fasting will aid in slowing this process down and keeping your brain healthy and mentally alert.

  3. Reduced Risk of Diabetes

    With type 2 diabetes, the main culprit is high blood sugar levels. This is because of the body’s resistance to insulin. Intermittent fasting helps to reduce the body’s resistance to insulin, therefore allowing blood sugar levels to decline.

    If you have type 2 diabetes or are at risk for getting type 2 diabetes, then fasting could significantly lower your blood sugar and reduce your chances of getting it.

  4. Reduced Inflammation and Stress

    Many chronic diseases are due to high levels of oxidative stress. This stress also quickens the aging process. When your stress levels are high, free radicals interact with other important molecules in your body and cause damage to them.
    Intermittent fasting works well to reduce both oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.

  5. Heart Health

    There are many heart-disease risk factors that our bodies can suffer from. Intermittent fasting helps to reduce these risks before they transform into heart disease. With heart disease becoming one of the biggest killers throughout the world, it’s important to do anything you can to reduce the risk of it.
    When fasting, your blood pressure will improve, your blood sugar levels improve, your cholesterol improves, and so much more. Much researching is still being conducted to see all of the exact benefits of fasting for the heart, but the results are promising.

  6. Cancer Prevention

    Although more research is needed, again, the tests so far are showing positive results for using intermittent fasting for cancer prevention. There have been several studies that showed fasting before receiving chemotherapy treatments resulted in fewer side effects and faster recovery times.

  7. Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention

    Both diabetes and obesity are causes for the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Because intermittent fasting reduces your risk of developing diabetes and helps you lose weight, it ultimately lowers your chances of Alzheimer’s. When we place our body’s in the “fasted” state, the body begins to break down cells and metabolize broken or dysfunctional proteins that build up inside them.

    This is another great way to prevent both Alzheimer’s disease and cancer.

  8. Dieting Alternative

    Intermittent fasting is a great alternative to regular dieting programs. Many people have a hard time sticking to a diet and following it through to lose weight. This is because it’s such a huge life change for the dieters.

    Intermittent fasting is much simpler than dieting and people find it much easier to adjust to. With dieting, you’re overwhelmed with the idea of how many meals to eat a day or what to eat and what not to eat. With fasting, you don’t have any of these worries and all you have to commit to is not eating anything within your fasting periods.

    It might sound difficult to think about not eating for a certain length of time, but it’s fairly easy to adjust to once you give it a try.

  9. Increased Lifespan

    Intermittent fasting leads to longer lifespans. When our bodies are given fewer calories to intake, our lifespan increases. However, no one wants to starve themselves just to live longer.

    It’s important to not only have a longer life but to have an enjoyable long life. Intermittent fasting allows for just that. You restrict the number of calories that your body intakes and reap the benefits of it. But you don’t have to struggle with the hardships of starving your body.


Ready to See Your Intermittent Fasting Results?

Are you ready to see your own intermittent fasting results? What are you waiting for? It’s time to start your own journey through your body’s intermittent fasting results and process!

From weight loss to brain health and all of the other many overall health benefits, intermittent fasting is sure to bring you not one but several health benefits and results!

For more topics of dieting and nutrition, be sure to visit our website daily.





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9 Incredible Intermittent Fasting Results

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