The Best Ways To Make A First Date Less Awkward

The Best Ways To Make A First Date Less Awkward : When it comes to meeting a new lover or partner, it can be extremely exciting. You are probably experiencing butterflies in your stomach and nerves that make you want to vomit out your guts. However, despite all of this, you have still managed to shake out all of your nerves and ask out your crush on a date.

They’ve said yes, happy days! Well, now comes the task for you to get to know her and make sure things don’t get awkward. Read on to learn about some of the top tips to ensure that your date runs smoothly and you both have a great time together!

Avoid too much small talk

You don’t just want to focus on boring meaningless topics, like the weather or how your neighbourhood has been. These sort of topics are extremely dull and are guaranteed to create a high number of hellish awkward silences. Instead, if there is something that you are passionate about then mention it! There is nothing more attractive to someone than seeing someone get in-depth about something they’re excited about. It can also display what’s unique about you.

Avoiding small talk is a great way of creating a stepping stone in regards to getting to know your date. You can avoid getting lost in babble and instead focus on the topics that interest your date. That way you can learn about her interests, hobbies and her life in general. By honing in on one topic this will keep you both talking for hours on end. Just make sure that you pick the right date venue so that you can talk as much as you like together without there being a time limit.

Don’t try to predict your date

No matter how much effort you put into planning your date, there are going to be things that happen that are out of your control. It doesn’t matter whether you’re seeing a childhood sweetheart, a university crush even one of the hottest East London escorts, you set up certain hours and places to meet can still go wrong. For instance, your commute could take longer than you expected or a certain bar or cafe might be shut. Don’t let this spoil your date or make it awkward.

Instead, use it as a laugh and a conversation topic. You may also want to consider alternatives or ask your date where she would like to go. There are always alternative romantic dating spots that would be perfect to visit together. You just need to find them.

Don’t text too much

Why you may ask? Well, it means that you will have some conversations prepared for the date! If you state everything that you’re doing over text then what else do you even have to talk about? Not very much. This may limit the natural pace of your conversation and leave some awkward silences. Instead, try and pace out how much you speak. That way you still have some funny stories to tell when you finally get to the date.

Responsible Drinking

So, if you choose to go to a bar for a date, you need to remember that you are a gentleman. Don’t just down shot after shot. Instead, drink at a similar pace and ensure that you are both having a good time. The last thing you want is to get drunker and drunker and have her carry you home. Not only will this look extremely bad but you may not even be able to control the things you say. Remain respectful and try and limit how much alcohol you intake. You may also want to combine it with a meal to ensure you keep looking classy.

Keep your phone off the table

Unless you are showing your date a picture or are looking up a fact, it can look extremely rude if you keep your phone on the table and start texting someone else throughout your date. Instead, just put your phone away and only use it when necessary. That way your date can feel good knowing that your attention is entirely on her as you talk. This will ensure that there is no way that your date might feel awkward or like she isn’t important.

Enjoy the time you spend with your crush!

Honestly, first dates shouldn’t be seen as a chore. You like your crush, so they should be quite exciting. You’re learning about whether or not you and your date click, which means there are endless possibilities for learning about their interests, hopes and dreams. This will determine whether or not you are compatible, so just relax and enjoy the ride. That way you can get to know your date at your own pace and enjoy yourself. Remember, this date is as much about you as it is about her.

Have fun!





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