5 Effortless Ways to Build Attraction on a First Date : You only get one first impression, so it’s normal to be anxious right before a first date. One of the things you’re probably worried about is whether or not your date will be attracted to you. Sure, they must be somewhat attracted to you if they swiped right on Bumble or Tinder for you, but you’re probably still wondering if they’ll be attracted to you in person.
Since mutual attraction is key in dating, it’s a given that you’ll want a mutual attraction to be present during the date. In-person attraction isn’t just about looks. It’s about how you make them feel, the way you smell, the sound of your voice, and all the other subtle nuances that make up chemistry and attraction. Luckily for you, you don’t have to kill yourself trying to appear attractive on a first date. According to research, simple factors such as smiling, eye contact and good oral hygiene are important factors when determining attraction. Here are 5 effortless and easy ways to build that attraction from across the table:
Remember to Smile
In order to radiate a positive, glowing energy, you’ll need to remember to smile on a date. A smile holds tremendous value and power on a date when building attraction and chemistry. Your smile shows your confidence, your personality, and your ability to have fun. Plus, smiling is contagious and once your date notices you smiling a ton, he’ll start smiling, and then dopamine and serotonin subsequently get released in your brain, causing both of you to enjoy the date (and each other) more. Our friends at Juban Dental Center, specializing in dental care in Baton Rouge LA, remind us that taking care of your teeth will help you want to smile more. Something as simple as a professional whitening treatment can be the reason you’ll start smiling more often, which makes you more attractive.
Ask Him Questions and Let Him Talk
Another effortless way to build attraction and build a connection on a first date is to take an interest in him and let him talk about himself. Ask him questions, and get him to describe his passions and his greatest accomplishments. Take a genuine interest in his answers, and ask follow-up questions to show that you really are impressed and interested. Having someone take an interest in who you are and what you’re made of will result in a tremendous amount of attraction. He will remember how much he enjoyed talking to you during your date, and he might not realize it’s because you took an interest in him.
Use Eye Contact
The simple act of holding someone’s gaze with eye contact has been shown to help develop their attraction for you. Eye contact creates better connections, creates attraction, and enriches the overall experience of conversating with you. Confident women tend to have good eye contact, and not only does eye contact demonstrate confidence, it also shows him that you have a high sense of self-worth. In order to not appear creepy, hold your gaze for 7 seconds at a time. Then, look away briefly before returning to eye contact.
Subtly Mirror His Actions
A study published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society showed that we like people who mimic us more than we like people who don’t mimic us. So, by subtly mimicking or mirroring his body language and behaviors during a date, he will feel more attracted to you. This makes sense if you think about it logically. If you are interested in someone and very subtly leaning into them when they talk, wouldn’t you also want them to subtly lean in towards you when you talk? Similarly, if you take a sip of your drink and they also take a sip of theirs, it demonstrates a sense of being on the same wavelength. It activates some sort of reward center in your brains. The key here is subtlety, and you certainly shouldn’t copy everything he does.
Use The Sense Of Touch
Touching builds attraction on a first date, and it also builds trust. When you physically touch your date, for example by lightly grazing his forearm with your fingertips, he will become more attracted to you. Mutual touch (holding hands, for example) elevates your heart rates and leads to a higher sense of attraction and sensuality. You can also achieve the sensual sense of touch on a date by sitting next to him in the booth with your thighs touching, instead of sitting across from him. However, touching his hands or his forearm while sitting across from him works as well. aIf you don’t touch your date at all during your evening out, attraction is much less likely to build.
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5 Effortless Ways to Build Attraction on a First Date
tips for a first date for ladies, first date tips for guys, first date conversation tips, tips for first date after meeting online, how to have a successful first date with a man, first date tips for teenage girl, first date flirting tips, first date kiss tips, Build Attraction on a First Date