Awesome Beauty Tips and Secrets

There are a lot of beauty secrets around the world, and I’d like to know them all! Sure, we all know some tips about our health and body that we got from our family or friends. But I think you will agree that all of these advices are a bit of usual and ordinary. Would you like to hear something new? I’ve gathered a few incredibly wonderful beauty secrets from all over the world. Since we live in the different cultures, I’m sure, we can teach each other a lot of interesting things from the life experiences. And now, I’m going to start sharing with you some beauty tips and secrets from all over the world that I have already known or I’ve just found out.

1. Anti-aging technique from China

There are a lot of surgical and other ways to keep the youth of the skin. But this type of treating is not safe and this cure doesn’t give you endless effect. Women in China usually use really easy way to stay young through years. They drink white tea! Don’t rely on collagen or Botox, save your skin till the youth by disposing of free radicals from your skin.

2. French women’s lemon passion

Women often have some nail problems, and now I want to talk about one of them. We all love to paint our nails with very bright colors. It looks really beautiful and it captures the attention. But red and pink nail polishes keep our nails colorful even after you get rid of it by special remover. So, you can try to wipe it off till the end, but French women act in the other way. All that you need is a lemon juice! After removing nail polish just put down your fingers in this juice and then your nails become absolutely clean! It takes for 10-15 minutes.

3. Wonderful curry from India

Have you ever heard about curry spice? I like it very much because it’s really useful for a lot of parts of the human body. It can help improve the gut health, skin health, brain health and heart health. I think this is like a miracle! You add only one ingredient in your soup, teas, salads or pasta and you get a lot of benefits! Curry is also known like turmeric. It’s an orange root with a very pungent smell. Indians usually use it for improving circulation in the body and especially in their skin. Due to its properties you can clean your skin from any bad bacteria and make it very fresh and beautiful. Also turmeric has antioxidants that we all need. All you need is to do masks and add curry to your food.

4. Volumizing hair from Czech

Yes, I know, that nettles looks like usual weed and if you touch it you can get burn since there are a lot of acids in it. But the most of us even don’t know that this plant is really useful, if you treat it in a right way. You can find it in many “wild” places all around the world. When you pick it up (Use gloves or something like this), you need to boil it. After this, nettles stops burn, so you can use it as you want. For example, American women use it as an anti-allergy remedy. I’ve also noticed that a lot of shampoos contain nettles and they promise us that the main effect of using it is a volumizing hair for a really long period (36 hours). I think it can help, if you buy the most natural product. But why not make some extra useful product by ourselves. All that we need are nettles and some time. Boil it and rinse your hair by decoction. Czech women have been doing this ritual for many years. You will get rid of excess hair oil, and your hair will look very fresh and beautiful for a long period of time.

5. Red tea therapy from South Africa

I use this tip every day and I can swear it really works! I drink red tea every day, and this secret I found out from the South Africa culture. There are a lot of red bush plants, so locals, especially women, make from this plant rooibos tea. It’s not just a tasty drink, red tea makes your skin very clean, glow and healthy. You will forget about acne, stomach disorder and don’t get extra weight. It will ward your sugar passion, because it is already sweet. Moreover, you can buy it everywhere, because it’s really famous.

6. Hair care from Philippines

I often see plenty of aloe-products in the food or health stores, but I have never bought it before. Now, I know one secret about hair treatment from Philippines. Do you know the secret of their women to keep their hair very beautiful and really strong? They don’t do anything difficult or expensive. All you need is aloe gel! They simply rub it onto their hair. Aloe moisturizes and protects hair and makes it really shiny. This technique is very useful and easy, as you have already noticed. Buy aloe gel and do the mask for about 10 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo and rinse it.



Awesome Beauty Tips and Secrets