self care

Showing 15 of 105 Results

Remedies for Dry, Flaky Skin

Winter is fully upon us, and many of us are trying to cope with dry and flaky skin. Fortunately, there are a few effective remedies for dry and scaly skin. Follow my tips and forget about snake like or crocodile-like skin and enjoy glowing and healthy skin. Besides, the remedies I’m going to talk about are a great addition to […]

Take Care of Your Mental Health

It’s impossible to have a healthy body if you don’t take care of your mind. There’s a direct connection between mental and physical well-being that’s why it’s strongly recommended to keep both systems in balance. Good mental health helps you enjoy your life and gives power and inspiration to cope with difficulties. It’s necessary to work and try something new […]

Hair Tools You Should Have

Hair Tools You Should Have : Healthy and shiny hair is the greatest desire of every woman. To look beautiful and stylish, you should certainly pay much attention to your hair and care for it properly. Today there is a big choice of various shampoos, conditioners and hair masks that make our hair clean and perfect.

Where Busy Women Should Seek Help

Superwoman is a fictional character; however, the name is not a misnomer for most real-life women. Women have many labels: mother, wife, business associate, caregiver, and more. A revolving list of duties lies within each category. Oftentimes, pride and desire to be all and do all prevent women from acknowledging the need for help. For the sake of health and […]

Incredibly Useful Beach Hacks

If you spend a lot of time at the beach, you will definitely love the following beach hacks. They are not about applying sunscreen or drinking a lot of water. They are the little tricks that may help you avoid most of the beach woes. Let’s skip a long introduction and start discussing some of the best beach hacks ever. […]

Things to Throw Away to Boost Your Health

We all strive to become and stay healthy, but with a host of harmful things, this goal is really hard to achieve. Eating healthy food, drinking plain water and working out each day are certainly healthy habits, but some household items and pieces of clothing could be slowly killing your overall health. Check out what you should throw away today […]

This summer, want to get rid of the unwanted hair naturally?

This summer, want to get rid of the unwanted hair naturally? For both men and women, hair removal can be so troublesome; but, it’s also inevitable. Especially in summers when you have already made plans to hit the beach with your girlfriends and mates, you don’t want those hair under your arms or bikini to be on display. After all, […]

Best Hair Removal Method for Your Sex Life

Best Hair Removal Method for Your Sex Life : Bikini season is still a few months away, but you have sex year-round (at least we hope so!). What’s the best way to groom your hair down there? We’ll stop beating around the bush: Here’s what you should keep in mind when it comes to pubic hair removal—straight from the specialists.

Weird Facts About Your Breasts

Weird Facts About Your Breasts : Mounds of fascinating, bizarre, and pretty neat factoids about your girls Women Are Buying Bigger Bras The average woman says she now wears a 34DD-sized bra, according to data from lingerie retailer Intimacy. That’s up from a 34B 20 years ago! (To put that into perspective, that’s the same band measurement, but about three […]

Accessories to Wear on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a special day amongst those who are deeply, madly and truly in love. Girls are innately more romantic and their feelings can be easily instilled in guys with genuine affection and love. If you want to show that you are in love with the best man in the whole world, you can do it with the way […]

Cope with the Winter Blues

If you suffer a downer during the winter months, there are a few ways to cope with the winter blues. No matter what the weather is doing and how gloomy your family, friends and coworkers may be, try to stay positive and enjoy this wonderful season to the fullest. If you have trouble dealing with the winter blues, here are […]

Things You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About

While it’s okay to feel guilty every now and then, there are certain things we shouldn’t feel guilty about in life. When you have too much guilt, you can’t live a happy life since feelings of guilt make you stressed, sad, frustrated and even depressed. It stops you from living your life to the fullest. Everyone deserves to be happy, […]

Make a Good Impression

It is a common thing that people around us just do not get us right and perceive our personality not the way we would want them to. This may be connected with all the spheres of our lives starting with the hard work to get promoted or simply among our friends or family members. So if you notice that the […]

Grow Your Nails Fast

People see your face first, but that doesn’t mean your nails aren’t an important to first impressions. Beautiful nails should be healthy and polished. One of the best ways to make your nails look cleaner and prettier is to grow them long. They shouldn’t be so long that they get in the way of your lifestyle, but growing them long […]