Beautifully Breathtaking: How Women Attract Intimacy in a Relationship

Beautifully Breathtaking: How Women Attract Intimacy in a Relationship : There’s always a point in a married couple’s lives where the intimacy starts to break down. In this period, feelings become colder, the sex begins to feel worse, and cuddles aren’t necessary anymore. In this stage, both men and women may have the urge to do something that can cause a lot of pain for their partners when found out. In short, infidelity often happens.

Make no mistake, being cold in a relationship goes both ways, not just men, not just women, but for both individuals. It is normal for a couple to experience this period of coldness. It matters to get out of that period. Outcomes can either be positive: a couple’s bond becomes stronger than ever. Or it could become negative: Couples continue to grow cold until something good or bad happens.

Luckily, a lot of couples value their relationship with each other more than one night stands. Women, in particular, are the most to lead the way when wanting to repair a relationship when it gets cold. Women are known to have this intuition where they become sweet and gentle when they think that a relationship begins to stir sour.

Due to that intuition, women positively show how great they are when it comes to nurturing a relationship. In case you’re still not impressed at how a woman attracts intimacy, here are some more reasons to get you convinced.

How Women Attract Intimacy in a Relationship?

Women ooze confidence

Women ooze confidence
Women ooze confidence. Source:

When it comes to attracting her husband, women exude confidence. They go out of their usual ways and do things that will make her man’s head turn. Some guys find this behavior odd and at times, irritating. Whenever girls make these types of moves, guys should be able to reciprocate it dearly.



It’s a clear sign that a woman wants her husband’s attention when she starts to dress sexier. An amazing thing about a woman’s intuition is that she knows what is too much and too less.

She dresses amazingly for the occasion and with purpose. Men should not take it as a negative sign when their partner wears dresses amazingly. She only does this to show other people that she is proud of her husband for having her as a wife.



Lingerie. Source:

Remember when we said that women ooze with confidence? Well, a lady will stop at nothing just to please her husband. Girls will do anything, even wear sexy lingerie just like those Femme Fatales in movies do. Lingerie is part of a woman’s clothing which does wonders in attracting intimacy from their husband.



Appreciative. Source:

Another part of a woman’s intuition is where she gracefully knows when to appreciate a man’s efforts. Whenever they see their man falling short on something because of them, they acknowledge his efforts and reward him handsomely.



As mentioned above, women often take the initiative when a relationship begins to turn sour. A lady will take the reins from her husband if she too has to save the bond they built together. This trait is what makes women amazing. They take all the punches and can still cook bacon while looking like a Goddess for their husband.



A woman’s intuition is comparable to a sixth sense. Her intuition can immediately tell if something is wrong or not. It is also a known fact that when it comes to repairing relationships, women will most likely take the lead.

From dressing sexy, to totally gaining control in a relationship, a lady will stop at nothing to preserve the bond that both she and her husband built. Truthfully speaking, the saying is right: “Behind every man, is a great woman.”


Author Bio

Javier Olivo loves to write about relationship and marriage advice. He is very experienced when it comes to sex and dating and very particular in woman’s clothing. He is also an advocate for safe sex practices. In his free time, Javier shares a lot of his works with his readers. Javier currently resides in Los Angeles, California.



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Beautifully Breathtaking: How Women Attract Intimacy in a Relationship

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Beautifully Breathtaking: How Women Attract Intimacy in a Relationship


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