Oral Care

Oral Care

Showing 15 of 212 Results

What Is Oil Pulling For Your Mouth?

What Is Oil Pulling For Your Mouth? : Oil pulling is an ancient Indian ayurvedic practice that purifies the body by pulling out toxins through the gums and mouth using oil as a medium. The tradition has grown increasingly popular for its tremendous oral benefits, so much so that health practitioners and dental health enthusiasts are vouching for it.

7 Ways To Keep Teeth Healthy After Braces

7 Ways To Keep Teeth Healthy After Braces : Getting through your phase of braces and having the perfect arch is no excuse to become complacent and neglect dental hygiene. Post-orthodontic care is critical if you want the effects of braces to last. It is equally important to take special care of your teeth after your braces are removed as it […]

Toothache Driving You Crazy? Try These 6 Home Remedies

Toothache Driving You Crazy? Try These 6 Home Remedies : Toothaches can be one of the most annoying and debilitating forms of pain. Yet, they’re oh-so common. They can occur from anything from mild tooth sensitivity to a serious tooth abscess. But one thing is for sure: there are multiple great home remedies you can try to help alleviate some of […]

5 Teeth Whitening Remedies You Can Try at Home

5 Teeth Whitening Remedies You Can Try at Home : Changes to the color of your teeth can point to serious oral health issues. Even if the change is subtle, it still requires your full attention. That is why a sparkling smile is not only a visual pleasure, but a sign of great oral health.

Smile Like a Queen With Professional Teeth Whitening Services

Smile Like a Queen With Professional Teeth Whitening Services : Teeth whitening involves various processes that make one’s natural teeth appear brighter and whiter. Teeth whitening methods include bleaching, sanding down stains, and ultraviolet (UV) light therapy.

Tips For Healthy Teeth

Tips For Healthy Teeth : A survey shows that nearly two-thirds of Americans suffer from dental health problems. Your teeth must be cared for properly if you wish to enhance your well-being. Unfortunately, 90% of adults aged 20+ have at least one cavity. Issues such as tooth decay shouldn’t be taken lightly. Instead, these issues must be treated suitably, as declining […]

Tips and Reasons to Maintain Oral Hygiene

Tips and Reasons to Maintain Oral Hygiene : Maintaining oral hygiene is one of the most important things you can do for your teeth and gums, but it’s also one of the most neglected. In fact, according to the American Dental Association, only about half of Americans brush their teeth twice a day. It is why gum diseases and tooth decay […]

How Having Good Teeth Can Boost Your Confidence

How Having Good Teeth Can Boost Your Confidence : Are you the type of person who smiles with your mouth closed? Have coffee and tobacco stains worked their negative magic on your smile? Perking it up with some dental work can seriously boost your confidence. Here is what you need to know…

What Is The Best Type Of Braces For You?

What Is The Best Type Of Braces For You? : Orthodontic treatment can be the key for those who want the ideal smile. This dental procedure has many benefits. For one, it ensures a person’s teeth are healthy. It also makes chewing and biting food easier or painless and allows a person to speak without discomfort.

Mistakes To Avoid During Dental Implant Procedure

Mistakes To Avoid During Dental Implant Procedure : Dental surgery is a delicate procedure. Simple mistakes can cost you. Thus, follow all the steps. Follow the instructions from your dentist.

What Kind Of Doctor Is A TMJ Specialist?

What Kind Of Doctor Is A TMJ Specialist? : A mild to intense pain in your jaw, ears, and head could be a sign of TMJ disorder. The TMJ is a complex joint and can be susceptible to a number of problems, including pain, clicking, and popping sounds. When these problems arise, it is often necessary to see a doctor who […]

What You Should Know About Dental Bridges

What You Should Know About Dental Bridges : Dental bridges are a popular option for restoring a smile when missing one or more teeth. Dental bridges are made of long-lasting materials and are fitted by an experienced dentist or oral surgeon, who will determine if this treatment is appropriate for you.

Considering Cosmetic Dentistry for a Better Smile?

Considering Cosmetic Dentistry for a Better Smile? : You’re here because you want to know more about cosmetic dentistry. We’re here to tell you exactly that! This post is going to cover the most common procedures, the types of candidates who undergo these procedures, some frequently asked questions, and more!

5 Ways to Transform Your Smile

5 Ways to Transform Your Smile : Your smile plays a crucial role when interacting with the environment around you. It helps you express humor and happiness, welcome others, and more. Your smile enables you to make an excellent first impression while maintaining great overall health. Feeling great about your teeth lets you exude happiness and self-confidence, enhancing interpersonal connections.