Belly Fat in Women – Ways of Removing It : An expanded waistline is sometimes considered as one of the perks of getting older. For women, this statement is harshly true and especially after menopause when the body fat tends to shift to the abdomen and the worst part of it is it makes life extremely difficult when you try to zip up the jeans.
Research also shows that belly fat also carries several serious health hazards and the good news is that the belly fat can be reduced and there are several ways to lose belly fat and get in the desired shape.
How does a Belly Fat Form?
The weight you gain is directly in proportion to how much you eat and the number of calories you burn daily. If you eat too much and exercise too little you are to develop excessive weight including belly fat.
Age, however, is also a big contributing factor. Muscle mass may diminish very slightly with age, while the fat keeps on increasing. Loss of muscle mass also means the decrease in the rate the body used to burn calories, which makes it more challenging in maintaining a healthy weight.
Many women also notice an increase in the belly fat as they grow older, this might be due to the loss in the level of estrogen, which is one of the deciding factors in how fat is to be distributed in the body. Besides, the tendency of having an “apple” shaped body more than a “pear” shaped body – because of gathering more belly fat in the abdomen can be genetic in nature, too.
Why Belly Fat is more than the fat which is Skin Deep?
The trouble with the belly fat is that it is not restricted to just a padding of fat (subcutaneous fat) beneath the layer of skin. Belly Fat also includes the visceral fat which lies deep in the abdomen surrounding the internal organs of the body. This visceral fat is very vicious in nature as it poses several dangerous health threats like:
- Heart Disease
- Type 2 Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Abdominal Cholesterol
- Breathing Problems
Research also showed increased belly fat as a result of premature death, keeping aside the factor of overall body weight. In a study, it was found that the women who had an extended waistline were more exposed to the fear of having cardiovascular disease.
Scissoring the Abdomen: Women Listen Up!
The abdominal muscles can be toned and the abdominal fat reduces with the help of crunches and other exercises targeted to achieve abdominal fitness, but it’s a shame that these exercises wouldn’t help you get rid of the belly fat. However, visceral fat responds to the same set of exercise strategies and diet, which is taken in to control the belly fat.
So, here are some ways to battle the belly fat:
- Healthy Diet: Centre you diet on plant-based foods, such as loads of fruits and leafy vegetables. Choose the low-fat dairy products and food products that are high in protein and low on carbs.
- Keep Portion sizes in Check: While at home, cut down the portion sizes. In restaurants, share the meal if in the group, and if you are seating alone, eat one half and pack the other half for home.
Besides, these tips, including some physical activity like walking or yoga in your everyday life can work wonders for you.
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