Best Collagen For Face, Skin, Bones, Joints, And Hair

Best Collagen For Face, Skin, Bones, Joints, And Hair : Collagen is one of the most common proteins in our body. It makes up most of our bones, joints, cartilage, skin, and nails. Despite its prevalence in the body, collagen is not an ordinary protein. It belongs to a few types of protein, containing non-standard amino acids-hydroxyproline, glycine, proline, and lysine.

Collagen fibers create an extracellular matrix that holds the cells together, making the connective tissue strong and elastic at the same time.

Types of collagen:

The most common types of collagen are 1, 2, 3. All these three types are present in our organs in different amounts.

Type 1 and type 3 collagen is found in the skin, bones, tendons, vascular walls, and cornea of the eye. Type 1 and type 3 account for about 90% of all collagen. Type 2 collagen is a structural protein of the joints, cartilage, and vitreous.

Collagen for the skin of the face

So, what is collagen good for? It is obvious that collagen is useful for the tissues of the whole body, but the most noticeable effect of collagen is on the skin of the face. After 25 years, the natural production of collagen in the body decreases, and many factors of the modern lifestyle, such as stress, poor nutrition, and an imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract, further inhibit it. By the age of 60, the production of collagen is reduced by half. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes thinner, creases and wrinkles appear. In part, this process is reversible, as evidenced by numerous reviews and some studies. You can buy beauty collagen price online and also consider supplementing with collagen powder to support skin hydration and skin elasticity.

Collagen for bones and joints

Changes in the structure of collagen fibers cause joint rheumatism, osteoarthritis, arthritis, and other diseases associated with joint and cartilage tissue. Taking in type 2 collagen for the joints can partially restore their mobility and relieve pain during exercise (4). However, it should be understood that the restoration of joints and cartilage is a long process and should occur under the supervision of a doctor. The noticeable effect of ingestion of type 2 collagen is achieved by a course of at least three to six months.

Collagen: how to take it?

The daily norm of collagen is 6-12 g. The course duration is 3 months (90 days), followed by a break of 3 months. So, the number of such courses is unlimited. Take collagen on an empty stomach an hour before a meal or an hour after a meal. And best collagen powder is diluted in water or juice. Do not mix with food and dairy products. At least 2 hours should pass between the intake of collagen 1,3 and type 2 collagen.

Which types of collagen exist?

Collagen Products
Collagen Products

All collagen can be divided into 2 types, depending on the sources of raw materials:

  • animal (bovine, less often chicken);
  • marine collagen (fish).

Marine collagen is considered to be the most environmentally friendly. However, there are suggestions for better absorption of marine collagen compared to bovine collagen. Based on this, there is a recommendation to prefer fish collagen, especially for those who have difficulties with digestion.

The collagen of 1,3 and 2 types are produced in different forms:

  • collagen powder;
  • collagen in tablets;
  • collagen in capsules;
  • liquid collagen;
  • collagen in chewable candies.





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Best Collagen For Face, Skin, Bones, Joints, And Hair

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