BJJ Gi Weave Differences Explained : Choosing a kimono (Gi) for Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu is just a seemingly easy task, especially for a beginner. Although you don’t need a particular uniform to do this sport (since there are classes of fights without Gi), experts recommend trying both categories – Gi and No-Gi.
Once you reach a certain skill level in No-Gi BJJ, turn to fights in which you wear a kimono. These uniforms give extra weight to this martial art. Plus, you have to admit that the fighters who wear them look quite cool, professional, and dignified.
Unlike some other sports, where the point of a uniform is just to differentiate you from others, it has a ‘higher purpose’ in BJJ. Namely, use your opponent’s uniform to manipulate them and their movements by grabbing sleeves or collar. For this reason, the manufacturers of Gis for BJJ have designed several different types and models of these kimonos for all levels of practitioners.
Whether you are a seasoned BJJ fighter or just starting in this gentle art, a quality kimono is a must. You do not have to overpay it, but you need to buy a Gi to suit your needs and, with proper maintenance, serve you for years.
Which Gi to Choose
Finding a BJJ Gi can be quite a daunting task as there are so many different uniforms to choose from. BJJ weave types are one of the items by which these uniforms are divided. The weave refers specifically to the weave used in a BJJ Gi jacket. The pants usually are made of another type of material altogether.
Beginners would probably first think of the color and design of their kimonos. But experienced BJJ fighters know that weaving is one of the crucial factors when choosing a uniform. So, if you want your BJJ Gi to be used for different competitions and training, then it’s a good idea to pick the right weave.
Since most of today’s Gis are made of cotton (although there are models of twill, linen, or hemp fabric), there are several ways of weaving that manufacturers use. That will determine the firmness, elasticity, and flexibility of the kimono. Various threads have the same purpose, but they look different and give a different feel when gripping.
Single Weave for Beginners
A single weave Gi is essentially made up of a single piece of fabric, usually from cotton or polyester. These fibers are sewn together and glued together. Due to the thinness of the material, this kimono is easy to grip and allows for easier movement. That makes these uniforms perfect for beginners who are learning the basics of Jiu-Jitsu.
Check this article link to learn about basic movements in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu:
The collar and cuffs on the kimono have a rubber filling, making these parts more robust, flexible, and durable than the rest of the kimono. Logically, these parts of the uniform ‘suffer’ the most. But because of rubber, they can hold up long after strenuous activity without tearing.
Once you start with BJJ, you should invest in a single weave uniform for beginners. It’s relatively inexpensive, and you can easily change it around as you advance in your training. This lightweight kimono is perfect for practicing BJJ outside when the temperatures are high.
Suppose you are serious about this martial art (but still not a heavy trainer). In that case, you should get a single weave uniform for advanced BJJ practitioners. This uniform is ideal for those that train with an experienced instructor. But it shouldn’t be worn in competitions. You can buy these in many different colors, but you must take care that it matches the rule of the gym where you train.
Uniforms for Seasoned Fighters
The fabric that makes a BJJ Gi is two layers of cloth – the outer and the inner layer. The outer cover is usually made of cotton but can also be a blend of different materials. The inner layer has a lot more substance than the outer weave, making it very comfortable to wear and very breathable. This uniform is heavy, but it actually keeps your body cool without sweating too much. It allows your skin to breathe, so your body can cool down naturally.
Gis with twice as many threads than a single weave Gi can withstand a lot more pressure, making it perfect for grappling. If you are going to a martial arts competition, and you want to represent yourself in the best way, then double-layered Gi is a must-have. But only if you can stand its weight.
No matter how attractive, expensive, and professional this uniform looks, it’s still not for everyone. You may be wondering why someone would wear a uniform that makes the whole performance harder. That’s precisely the feature of heavy trainers because they push their limits to be even better.
Also, some practitioners claim they had trouble wearing double weave Gis because of itching. These can be a bit rough for the skin, especially if you sweat a lot. So don’t wear them when it’s too hot in the gym or outside.
Gold Threading for Traditionalists
Although less represented than before (Pearl pattern almost replaced it), Gis with gold weave can still be found. Those who have been training BJJ for many years know about all the benefits of this weave. It represents the golden mean between single and double weaves, getting the best of both worlds.
Even though this type of kimono is a bit forgotten these days, its production technology is more advanced than single and double weaves. That’s what makes it strong, durable, and yet, light and breathable.
Why Pearl Weave Is Most Popular
The most popular BJJ Gi weave is the so-called Pearl weave, as the fabric looks like a tiny field of pearls. It’s made of a strong, single pattern of cotton and polyester. The jacket retains its breathability while providing a tight yet lightweight fit. That comes in handy if fighters sweat a lot.
Pearl weaving also allows for a better range of motion and makes the fighter move more freely. It’s not as tightened as classic single weave, but stronger and more durable. That is important for training in the MMA game, as this Gi will not tear even after too much pulling.
Another reason why pearl weaving is present in almost all Gis makers is creating different styles. Kimonos made from this fabric can be of different GSM and weights (read about that on this page), making them suitable for use with exercisers of all levels.
The main disadvantage of this weave is the weight and bulk in size added due to the double weave. But again, it’s not as heavy as standard those with two layers of fabric. Besides these characteristics and the amount of material used for making it, these uniforms are not as expensive as standard double weave ones.
The market for BJJ equipment has many options available when it comes to uniforms. When you buy your first Gi, you must know that Comfort and protection are priorities. Learn about the basic weave types and the pros and cons of each of them. That way, you’ll ensure that you are purchasing the best uniform for your particular needs.
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