Change Your memory sheet

Our brain starts working at a very early age. Approximately six months after conception, our brain starts recording all of our mother’s thoughts and actions while we are in her womb. Our brain continues recording all our thoughts and actions throughout our entire life. It is still active even when we are going through this post, your brain is busy recording and comparing the information contained here. It is our memory sheet.

Our memory sheet is a conceptual representation of the entire history of all our previous thoughts and actions. The importance of our memory sheet is that our brain is programmed to make similar decisions according to what is in its data base which we can call our past memory sheet. There is a record of all our positive and negative thoughts and actions on our memory sheet, that make up our life.

Our brain spontaneously uses all of our strengths and weaknesses recorded on our memory sheet in its decision making process. Our memory sheet is programmed to keep us at our present level and within our comfort zone.

How we think and act today is merely a reflection of what is on our past memory sheet. Most of our current beliefs were put on our memory sheet by our parents and our social conditioning. The same holds true for our emotions.

Many of our beliefs and thoughts on our memory sheet are not our own. They were put there by others and we readily accept them as our own. Our present level of happiness is a reflection of what we have recorded on our memory sheet. Our owner’s manuals are very similar.

Since our brain is programmed to make decisions similar to what is on our memory sheet, the biggest challenge we face when trying to change our past thoughts and actions to increase our happiness in our present thinking and belief system. Our level of self-awareness of what exactly is on our memory sheet and understanding of how we were designed to function according to Universal and Natural Laws, greatly affects our ability to change and our current happiness.

Change is never easy. When we try to change, we have to overcome what is on our memory sheet. Our memory sheet’s job is to have we repeat what we have done in the past. Our job is to increase our desire and determination to change. Our memory sheet does not care whether we are positive or negative. It is only concerned with having us repeat our past thoughts and actions. Our memory sheet is not our enemy. It is our friend. Without our memory sheet, we would not have a memory. We would not know our name who we are, how to talk or anything else that we have learned during our lifetime. Our memory sheet provides us with our data base for going through life. It’s not our memory sheet’s fault that we and our social conditioning have allowed it to accumulate negative thoughts and actions that are holding back us and affecting our happiness.

We must learn to be very honest with ourselves. We must find out what is on our memory sheet. To reprogram our memory sheet, we must increase our strengths and overcome our weaknesses. We are not going to change ourselves overnight. It takes time, depending on the strength of our desire, and the positive actions we take to change.

If we decide to change, but repeat the same mistakes or negative behaviors, we should not become depressed or beat ourselves up. Instead, laugh at ourselves. We must acknowledge that our memory sheet is strong and very good at what it does. After all, it knows everything about us. It uses all our weaknesses and excuses to keep us where we are. We must learn to become comfortable with who we are and what is on our memory sheet.

After we acknowledge that our memory sheet has beaten us, we must decide who is in control — we or our memory sheet. There are some things our memory sheet has total control over, since we may not presently be strong enough to change them. We should not become discouraged and get more determined and work harder and smarter to change what we can. Eventually, we will acquire enough strength and wisdom to overcome our memory sheet in the areas where it presently controls us. It is just a matter of time and effort until we master our memory sheet and increase our happiness.

Fortunately, we can change our past tendencies because the most current portion of our memory sheet has the biggest impact on our decision making process. Otherwise, we would be a robot and never could change.

Whenever we attempt to change anything on our memory sheet, we face a battle between our desire to change and our memory sheet’s desire to do its job. The strength of our desire to change determines our success against our memory sheet.

Many individuals in our society are overweight and out of condition. Most of them have a desire to change for the better, but their desire is too weak to overcome the strength of their memory sheet. However, when faced with a life threatening heart attack or stroke, many of these individuals change their behavior. Their strong desire to live gives them the strength to overcome their past memory sheet. They exercise, change their diet and lose weight.

Desiring to increase our happiness may not be a life or death decision for us. The greater our desire to increase our happiness, the greater will be our success. We do not have to go to the extremes but it certainly accelerates the process. The better we understand how our memory sheet operates; what is holding us back; and how to implement change; the easier our journey becomes to higher levels of happiness and bliss. Our level of desire is one of the major keys to success.

When we go to sleep, our brain is busy processing all the thoughts and actions that went on our memory sheet during the day. If we did something different from our normal routine, like exercising or dieting, our brain has to decide to either assimilate this as a new behavior, or reject it. Our brain needs to know how to respond in the future. By putting new thoughts and actions on our memory sheet consistently for thirty days or more, our brain assimilates these as new habits. They become a part of our normal memory sheet response.

The best times to give our memory sheet goals or instructions on how to improve our behavior are just before going to sleep and when we wake up. While we sleep, our brain examines the goals or instructions that we just put on our memory sheet. It has to make a decision how to respond when we wake up. It asks itself, “Whom do I believe, the new we or the old we?” The old we probably has been making similar goals or resolutions off and on for years, seldom carrying them out and behaving the same way for most of our life.

Our brain, more than likely, will believe the old we and instruct our memory sheet to forget last night’s goals or instructions. Our memory sheet will go about business as usual. Therefore, immediately upon awakening reinforce our goals and put the instructions back on our memory sheet. We must remember, the most current portion of our memory sheet has the biggest impact on our decision making process.

We may assume we achieve our goals for several days in a row. For example, we actually do exercise or diet. Now, while we are sleeping, our brain starts to realize that it should begin listening to the new we. It begins to tell our memory sheet to start responding accordingly and in about thirty days we develop a new habit. Then, our memory sheet works for us, instead of against us.

The more success we achieve, the easier it is to be even more successful because our memory sheet becomes our ally. Now, it insists that we keep on improving and expands to accommodate the new we as the old we drifts away.

If we do something new or behave differently for thirty days, our memory sheet will accept it as the new way to respond. However, if we give our memory sheet an inch, it will go back to its old way of responding. That’s why change is never easy.

Whenever we attempt to change anything on our memory sheet, we face a battle between our desire to change and our memory sheet’s programming to keep us where we are. Our degree of self-awareness and the strength of our desire to change determine our success against our memory sheet. The time and effort we spend reducing the negative emotions and increasing the positive ones on our memory sheet will determine how much we can increase our happiness. Wouldn’t it be nice to be happy all of the time and live in a state of continual bliss?

How to increase our self-awareness, we can make better choices, reprogram our memory sheet to increase our happiness, and consider the key points of the Owner’s Manual.

Key Points of Owner’s Manual:

1) The power of our brain or our wonderful personal computer varies according to its chemistry.

2) Our brain’s chemistry is affected by our thoughts, diet, exercise, rest, environment and physiology.

3) Our thoughts affect our electrochemical nervous system and generate electromagnetic fields that create attractor fields which affect our life and happiness.

4) Our present thoughts and actions reflect what is recorded on our memory sheet.

5) Our memory sheet is programmed to repeat its past and does not want to change.

6) Strong desire and proper direction are necessary to change what is recorded on our memory sheet.

7) Increasing our positive emotions and decreasing our negative emotions will enhance our brain’s chemistry and natural abilities.

8) Increasing our self-awareness leads to better choices that increase our chemistry and happiness.

We may consider to revisit our memory sheet and make necessary adjustments by adding, modifying, deleting or replacing the contents.

Be Happy- we may change our memory sheet.