When you say something of yours, when you listen something of other patiently, such frequent exchanges make up a bridge between both of you. Those persons who exchange the thoughts very politely, patiently and smoothly become easy friends. You may have to unlock your communication skills, try to be simple in communicating your statements and grasp the intent of other’s statement quickly.
effective communication skills are essential for success in all walks of your life – within your family, your business circle whether you hold a large corporation, a small company or a home-based business, whether you are in politics – local level, regional level or federal level, or you are with your clients if you conduct professional services.
To improve your skills, you must evaluate how effectively you communicate. A self assessment may help you to identify the areas you should focus on for improvement to produce effective and inspiring spoken, written and electronic communications to individuals and groups.
Why do you wish to get your message across?
Effective communication is all about conveying your messages to other people clearly and unambiguously. It’s also about your quickly receiving information that others are sending to you, with as little distortion as possible. For this purpose, both the senders of the messages and the receivers have to undertake effective efforts. If there is an error in communication process, resulting into the messages having been muddled by the sender, or misinterpreted by the recipient, if not detected at the earliest, it can cause tremendous confusion, wasted effort and missed opportunity.
In fact, communication is treated to be only successful when both the sender and the receiver understand the same contents as a result of the communication. In other words, we can say that by successfully getting your message across, you convey your thoughts and ideas effectively. When not successful, the thoughts and ideas that you actually send do not necessarily reflect what you think, causing a communications breakdown and creating roadblocks that stand in the way of your goals – both personally and professionally.
In spite of the increasing importance placed on communication skills, many individuals continue to struggle, unable to communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively – whether in verbal or written format. This inability makes it nearly impossible for them to compete effectively in the workplace, and stands in the way of career progress.
Being able to communicate effectively is therefore essential if you want to build a successful career. To do this, you must understand what your message is, what audience you are sending it to, and how it will be perceived. You must also weigh-in the circumstances surrounding your communications, such as situational and cultural context.
You must adopt smooth way of communication.
When you wish to communicate, you must foresee the problems which may come up at various stages like at the point of the sender- he does not have proper means or there is some break down in the means he was willing to use, at the point of encoding the message if necessary, the sincerity of the channel you are going to use, decoding of the message at the end of the proposed receiver, feedback and the most important, the context of the message being sent. At each stage, there is the potential for misunderstanding and confusion.
To be an effective communicator and to get your point across without misunderstanding and confusion, your goal should be to lessen the eruption of problems at each stage of this process, with clear, concise, accurate, well-planned communications. To deliver your messages effectively, you must commit to breaking down the barriers that exist within each of these stages of the communication process.
You must make your First Impression great one!
Approximately within three seconds, someone can evaluate you when you meet for the first time. In this short time, s/he forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanor, your mannerisms, and how you are dressed. With every new encounter, you are evaluated and yet another person’s impression of you is formed. These first impression can be nearly impossible to reverse or undo, making these first encounters extremely important, for they set the tone for the all the relationships that follows.
Observe meeting time strictly.
So, whether they are in your career or social life, it’s important to know how to create a good first impression. To make your first impression great one, you need to be on time which has been fixed for meeting. You must understand that arriving early at the venue of meeting is much better than arriving late. The excuses forwarded by the late comers are never welcomed.
Present Yourself Appropriately.
Whenever you go to meet someone, you must first make yourself easy and comfortable. If you are not feeling so, this can make the other person uneasy and that’s a sure way to create the wrong impression. If you are calm and confident, so the other person will feel more at ease, and so have a solid foundation for making that first impression a good one.
To present yourself appropriately, your physical appearance also matters. The person you are meeting for the first time does not know you and your appearance is usually the first clue he or she has to go on. You must dress up according to the occasion, country and culture.
Have A Winning Smile with openness and confidence.
“Smile and the world smiles too.” So there’s nothing like a smile to create a good first impression. A warm and confident smile will put both you and the other person at ease. So smiling is a winner when it comes to great first impressions. Your body language as well as appearance with smile on your face speaks much louder than words.
Use your body language to project appropriate confidence and self-assurance. Stand tall, smile (of course), make eye contact, greet with a firm handshake. All of this will help you project confidence and encourage both you and the other person to feel better at ease.
Do Only Small Talk .
Conversations are based on verbal give and take. It may help you to prepare questions you have for the person you are meeting for the first time beforehand. Or, take a few minutes to learn something about the person you meet for the first time before you get together. For instance, does he play golf? Does she work with a local charitable foundation? Is t
here anything that you know of that you have in common with the person you are meeting? If so, this can be a great way to open the conversation and to keep it flowing.
You need to Be Positive, Courteous And Attentive.
Your attitude shows through in everything you do. Project a positive attitude, even in the face of criticism or in the case of nervousness. Strive to learn from your meeting and to contribute appropriately, maintaining an upbeat manner and a smile. Your good manners and polite, attentive and courteous behavior help make a good first impression. In fact, anything less can ruin the one chance you have at making that first impression. So be on your best behavior!
One modern manner worth mentioning is “turn off your mobile phone”. What first impression will you create if you are already speaking to someone other than the person you are meeting for the first time? Your new acquaintance deserves 100% of your attention. Anything less and you’ll create a less than good first impression.
You must note down Key Points of every meeting.
You have just a few seconds to make a good first impression and it’s almost impossible ever to change it. So it’s worth giving each new encounter your best shot. Much of what you need to do to make a good impression is common sense. But with a little extra thought and preparation, you can hone your intuitive style and make every first impression not just good but great.
There are many more tools to develop your communication skills which we may discuss in the next post. But we may continue to develop our communication skills further.
Be Happy – Develop Your Communication skills.