Corruption, as we mean it, is a social evil. The word “corruption” has many meanings. When we talk about Political Corruption, we take into account abuse of public power, office, or resources by government officials, employees and elected representatives to the law making bodies, for personal gain, e.g. by extortion, soliciting or offering bribes.
Police corruption is a specific form of misconduct designed to obtain financial benefits, other personal gain, and/or career advancement for a police officer or officers in exchange for not pursuing, or selectively pursuing, an investigation, arrest and/or weakening the process of enforcement of law. One common form of police corruption is soliciting and/or accepting bribes in exchange for not reporting organized drug or prostitution rings or other illegal activities. Another example is police officers flouting code of conduct in order to secure convictions of suspects — for example, through the use of falsified evidence. Sometimes, the police personnels may deliberately and systematically participate in organized crime themselves.
Corporate corruption is mostly practiced by the big corporate bodies because of enormous capital on their disposal with little answerability due to large number of shareholders. Corporate criminality and the abuse of power by corporation officials, either internally or externally can be covered under this sort of corruption.
With advancement of technology and use of computers in date compilation, the chances of data corruption have gone up tremendously. Under this corruption, mischievous attempts are made to effectuate changes to data in storage or in transit for the benefits of the someones.
Linguistic corruption means the change in meaning to a language or a text introduced by cumulative errors in transcription as changes in the language speakers’ comprehension Language corruption may refer to two similar things: Change of words, and difference from the so-called “purity” of standard language.
When we talk about Bribery in politics, business, or sport, we take it as a form of corruption. It is an act implying money or gift given that alters the behavior of the recipient. Bribery constitutes a crime and is defined by Black’s Law Dictionary as the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty.
The bribe is the gift bestowed to influence the recipient’s conduct. It may be any money, goods, right in action, property, preferment, privilege, emoluments, object of value, advantage, or merely a promise or undertaking to induce or influence the action, vote, or influence of a person in an official or public capacity.
Corruption in judiciary includes misuse of the posts, lackadaisical treatments to the cases, undue favoritism to some parties, misuse of the funds etc. This sort of corruption is the most injurious to the society as the delay in delivery of justice creates frustration in the minds of the affected parties and law and order is jeopardized in process.
This social evil is not limited to one place, village, district, state or country – it is rampant all over the world threatening civilized working. If we go through the following lines, we may find how worse it has been over some recent time.
1. Anti-Corruption: Twenty-Eight Asia-Pacific Jurisdictions Adopt Anti-Bribery Recommendations 23-Sep-2010
Twenty-eight jurisdictions from the Asia-Pacific region have adopted recommendations on fighting domestic and international bribery on 22 September at the Initiative’s 15th Steering Group Meeting, hosted by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission in Kuala Lumpur.
2. Corruption: OECD Working Group on Bribery recognized as anti-corruption leader 14-Sep-2010
The Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics has awarded its International Compliance Award to the OECD and its Working Group on Bribery. “The Anti-Bribery Convention is the cornerstone of the OECD’s Anti-Corruption Strategy, ” said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría.
3. Foreign bribery : South Africa should take a more proactive stance, says OECD 19-Jul-2010
South Africa should step up its efforts to detect, investigate and prosecute cases of bribery in international business deals, according to a new report by the OECD’s Working Group on Bribery.
4. Anti-corruption: OECD welcomes Slovak move to make firms liable for foreign bribery 22-Jun-2010
“The introduction of corporate liability into the Slovak Republic’s legislation is a very welcome development,” Mr. Gurría commented. “It sends a strong message of commitment to the fight against corruption and helps create a level playing field for firms competing internationally.”
5. Corruption : OECD’s Gurría welcomes passage into law of UK Bribery Bill 08-Apr-2010
OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría today welcomed the passage into law of the UK Bribery Bill. “The OECD has highlighted the key role its members must play in the global fight against foreign bribery. With these tougher laws, the UK is now well placed to help lead this fight.”
6. Event “The fight against foreign bribery” on 05-Oct-2010
Too few people are aware that corruption can be costly to the perpetrators. A global initiative of the OECD aims to highlight the importance of the fight against bribery and to assist governments, businesses, civil society and individuals to fight together against this type of behavior extremely detrimental.
7. Event “Anti-corruption in Eastern Europe and Central Asia” – March meetings from 29-Mar-2010 to 31-Mar-2010
The next meetings of the Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, taking place in Paris, include the 8th Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan meeting, the 9th Steering Group meeting and an expert seminar on “Asset declarations for public officials – a tool against corruption”.
8. Event “Bribery: Impact and Prevention, Chatham House conference”, on 19 January 2010
OECD Deputy Secretary-General Richard Boucher and the United Kingdom’s Secretary of Justice the Rt Hon Jack Straw MP and UK Permanent Representative to the OECD Dominic Martin talked about the challenges of tackling bribery at a Chatham House conference in London, United Kingdom.
9. Event “OECD adopts 2009 Anti-Bribery Recommendation” on 09-Dec-2009
Thirty-eight countries agree to new measures to reinforce their efforts to prevent, detect and investigate foreign bribery with the adoption of the OECD Recommendation for Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.
10. Event “Raising global awareness of foreign bribery on 04-Jun-2010
Too few realize that the bribery of foreign public officials carries a price. The OECD’s Initiative to Raise Global Awareness of Foreign Bribery focuses on the impact of foreign bribery and how governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals can fight back.
11. Event “Foreign Bribery: Who Pays the Price?” on 09-Dec-2009
On International Anti-Corruption Day, the OECD celebrated the 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the Anti-Bribery Convention with a high-level roundtable on ‘Foreign Bribery: Who Pays the Price?’.
12. Event “Latin-American Regional Conference: Commitment and Co-operation in the Fight Against Corruption and Transnational Bribery” from 29-Sep-2008 to 30-Sep-2008
This conference aimed to reaffirm regional commitment to fighting corruption and upholding international standards, foster exchange of information and improve co-operation, and contribute to countries’ national anti-bribery strategies.
13. Event “The Tenth Anniversary Celebration of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention” from 20-Nov-2007 to 21-Nov-2007
On the occasion of the tenth anniversary celebration of the adoption of the Anti-Bribery Convention, signatory countries issued a statement reaffirming their commitment to fight bribery of foreign public officials in international business transactions.
14. Event “Asia-Pacific countries strengthen cooperation in the fight against corruption” from 05-Sep-2007 to 07-Sep-2007
Government representatives and experts from some thirty countries and jurisdictions gathered in Bali, Indonesia, for an international seminar on Asset Recovery and Mutual Legal Assistance. Discussions focused on formal and informal measures to obtain international legal assistance across jurisdictions, particular as this assistance relates to the confiscation and recovery, from foreign jurisdictions, of assets obtained through corrupt practice.
The above events and news show that we are concerned with this disorder of the society. Daily, we have been coming to know new scams creating disorder here and there. We had perhaps never imagined that some of us would become so greedy that they won’t be able to visualize that some of their working could harm the society to the larger extent and they too could become victim of the corrupt practices if they became target by some other vested interests. What will happen if our legitimate rights are denied through corrupt practices? How can we eliminate this evil? We may have to unite ourselves and fight vigorously. Some lines on this subject in the next post…
Be Happy – Discourage Corruption.