Enjoy Happiness of Being Alone

Some people say that it’s very easy to be happy while you are alone. For that you need to do your best not to feel lonely. In spite of the fact that there are so many people around us, very often we feel ourselves lonely and forlorn. But we have only one life and it’s important to get rid of all bad things that influence our happiness and success.

Try to do everything possible to avoid loneliness in your life. But if it happened that you are alone, don’t get upset. Instead get up and be positive by telling yourself “i like being alone.” You can learn numerous ways to be happy in such situation. When you manage to do that, your freedom will be unlimited. Never lose your opportunity for happiness.

1. Sing a Song

You can give way to your emotions and feelings when you are alone. If nobody can see you, everything will become a great fun for you. For example, you can get a great pleasure while watching TV at home in your favorite pajamas which makes you feel so comfortable. Or simply you are fond of singing some popular songs while driving a car. Make sure to choose CD with the best songs and enjoy your fantastic ride.

2. Renew Your Relations with Some People

This tip will certainly help you to escape from loneliness. I’m sure there always can be some people who can spend a good time with you and make you feel much better. This communication will also shed the light on your personality and inner world. Surely, you remember some important words which parents and teachers told you in your childhood. Our friend is our reflection. And that is really so. When we let our friends come back to our life in the periods of loneliness, we receive so many chances for support, high spirits and success.

3. Have a Day of Decadence

You have made up your mind to spend a wonderful time alone but you don’t know what place and activity can be the most appropriate for that. Try to do something decadent. You can find some special place for that where no one else is expected to go along with you. For instance, it will be nice to purchase the tickets for the performance which none of your friends wanted to see. Don’t be disappointed, you can have a great fun even alone. You will be definitely satisfied with this activity as you’ve chosen something you really like. Another splendid idea for doing something decadent is visiting sale at your favorite shop.

4. Learn to Do Something You’ve Dreamt About

To my mind there is no need to have someone around when you are learning to do something new and unusual. Perhaps you want to cook some exquisite and sophisticated dish which you haven’t tried before. In this case, you should work out this recipe in your own kitchen without prying eyes. In the process of your hard work you will surely feel more comfortable when alone. Getting some new skills, no matter in what field, will always bring you satisfaction. You are the best person to share it with.

5. Discover New Sides of Yourself

From time to time we need to evaluate ourselves and what we have in our life. You can start from your appearance and your home. Look at yourself into the mirror. Do you like your hairstyle or any changes should be made? Does your handbag suit your new shoes? Are you satisfied with your furniture? Only being alone you can realize that definite changes are to be made in your life. Things can’t be the same all the time, everybody and everything should develop. The problem is that so often people are afraid to break the rules and try something new. Be courageous enough to take new steps. It will help you to discover new sides of your personality.

6. List Your Best Features

I’m convinced that all people sometimes feel lack of privacy. And they can compensate it by spending time alone. There is no such person in the world who can understand you better than yourself. So it’s reasonable to stay alone and analyze what person you are. First, you take a sheet of paper and list all the positive things in your life and personality. You can remember about something good that you’ve recently done, some interesting stories that happened to you or any meaningful events, which are worth mentioning. Also don’t forget about your most stylish clothes, wearing which you look like a celebrity. All these things will show you how great you are.

7. Watch Your Favorite Movies

If it happens that nobody can share your admiration of the old and new films you can watch for hours, don’t mind them. Do it on your own. You can remember those times when you were at school and could enjoy your favorite films together with friends commenting on them during the broadcast. Now you don’t have anyone around you. Turn back to your childish movies and reinforce your best memories.

So many ways are available for you to achieve happiness when you are alone. But we can’t say that all of them are suitable for different people. You should find out your own way. Can you give any tips for those who want to spend their free time without others near in a funny and interesting way? Please, share your ideas.



Enjoy Happiness of Being Alone