
Showing 15 of 171 Results

Tips for Motivating and Energizing Employees

Motivating and Energizing Employees : How many enthusiastic employees do you have? Unfortunately, today most people work just in order to make money. But you can change this situation and have really motivating and energizing employees. Start with their very first day. At an average company on a typical first day, the new employee usually fills out forms, or orders […]

Become a Successful Manager

There are many ways to become a successful manager and it’s not as difficult as most of us think. A manager plays a significant role in guiding the team members as well as motivating them to stay focused. Here are a few important tips you should follow if you want to become a successful manager.

Things You Do Not Want to Regret

As we get older, we start realizing the things that we tend to ignore in our early 20s. Yesterday, I visited my grandma who I have not seen for almost a year. Sure we stay in touch via phone, but I have always had an excuse to see her. Yesterday, we had a great time. We talked about her parents […]

A good shopping deal feels like having great romance

According to a new study it was revealed that “good shopping deals at your favourite store not only relieve you from stress or mood swings but can also arouse the euphoric joy of an orgasm! The researchers from University of Michigan found that finding good deals is similar to the feeling of great romance. It is quite surprising to understand […]

Things Pets Teach You about a Happier, Healthier Life

Things Pets Teach You about a Happier, Healthier Life : If we didn’t have pets, our lives wouldn’t be so happy. I will never understand people who hate animals. Anatole France once siad, “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Pets make us smile, laugh and help overcome troubles and survive the hardest days. […]

Ways to Feel More Beautiful

If you’re looking for simple ways to feel more beautiful today, I can point you in the right direction. Feeling beautiful goes hand-in-hand with your level of self-esteem and these ways may help you with that. You should never feel badly about yourself since there’s definitely something beautiful about you. Don’t compare yourself to other women today and hopefully you […]

Effective Ways to Become a Successful Leader

Effective Ways to Become a Successful Leader : Whether in your personal or professional life, it’s not easy to be a successful leader, especially if you are a woman. When you are put in charge, you want to ensure everyone looking to you to respect you and feel that you really respect them. If you are a leader and you […]

Reasons You Should Never Judge Other People

Reasons You Should Never Judge Other People : We often judge people without realizing it. There are people who realize it and love it. My friend says that she enjoys judging other people because it helps her boost her self-esteem and feel better about herself. I know my friend is not the only one who loves to judge someone each […]

12 Minutes to a Happier You

12 Minutes to a Happier You : You probably know how to cope with the hard times and bad mood. Actually, we all know. Each day we wake up and follow our morning rituals. We feel great and ready to tackle different tasks but then suddenly something or someone spoils your mood and ruins your entire day. This happens to […]

International Women’s Day: Give yourself a break, Superwoman!

March 8 is International Women’s Day. You’ve been running in routine every day of your life from the time you remember. Many of your peers think you’re handling it all way too well. There are many who ask you tricks to get done with their daily chores. The word ‘NO’ is something you are not familiar with. Apart from this, […]

Rules to Follow to Become a Better Conversationalist

Rules to Follow to Become a Better Conversationalist : Even if you are not much of a talker you can still become a better conversationalist. I don’t like small talks and hate it when someone talks to me about the weather, unless it’s really remarkable. Though I’m not a big fan of a long conversation, sometimes I find myself in […]

How to Help Your Child Overcome Shyness

Shy children tend to feel uncomfortable and anxious in most situations. If your child is shy, it’s important to help your little one to overcome it when they are so young. Kids who suffer from shyness may grow up to be shy adults or they may grow out of it. As a mom, you can’t simply sit and wait for […]

Things to Do to Stay Inspired and Achieve All Your Goals

Although it can be hard to stay focused at times, there are still several little things to do to stay inspired, accomplish all your tasks and attain all your goals. When you are motivated, you feel more ambitious, enthusiastic and much happier, plus, you motivate and inspire the people around you. Here are nine things to do to stay inspired […]