Everything You Ought to Know About Birth Control

Everything You Ought to Know About Birth Control : Birth control uses various drugs, devices, agents, sexual practices, and surgical procedures to prevent contraception.  It helps women, men, and couples to improve pregnancy planning, spacing between kids, and preventing unintended pregnancy.

Memorial City birth control specialists in Houston, Texas, provide appropriate contraceptive methods that are safe, effective, available, and acceptable to fit your unique situation and health needs; additionally, they provide contraceptive counseling for successful contraceptive methods.

Types of birth control

When it comes to choosing a contraceptive method, bear in mind the dual protection from HIV and SDIs, preventing unwanted pregnancy, and also spacing your kids in these times of pandemics, hunger, and droughts. The following are types of birth control planning methods:

Natural methods

These traditional methods do not require any medication or devices and are as follows:

  • Coitus interruptus.
    When a man withdraws the penis so that ejaculation happens outside the vagina to prevent sperm deposition in the vagina, doing it carefully and consistently helps avoid the foreplay of sperm entrance.
  • Celibacy.
    It refers to sexual abstinence that involves avoiding sexual intercourse to prevent unplanned pregnancies and transmission of sexual diseases.

Barrier methods

Barrier devices are combined with spermicides to prevent sperm from reaching the egg to fertilize it. These methods are as follows:

  • Femidoms.
    The FDA-approved one is FC2 for females and is used together with spermicide to prevent copulation.
  • Sponge.
    The foam is applied to the inserted sponge to destroy the sperm, and the sponge acts as a barrier to prevent sperm from reaching the egg.
  • Diaphragm.
    It is a dome-shaped barrier that covers the cervix to block sperm.
  • Cervical cap.
    It is a thimble-shaped latex that fits over the cervix to prevent sperm from entering the uterus.

Reversible methods

They are intrauterine contraceptives which are as follows:

  • Levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG IUD).
    It is a T-shaped device that releases progestin to prevent you from getting pregnant.
  • Copper intrauterine device (IUD).
    It is placed in the uterus for almost ten years to prevent pregnancy.

Hormonal methods

They include:

  • Implants.
    They are thin rods inserted into a woman’s upper arm to release progestin to prevent fertilization.
  • Injections.
    Shots of the hormone progestin in the buttocks and arms every three months to prevent conception.
  • Oral contraceptive.
    The pill contains the hormone progestin and estrogen, which prevents pregnancy.
  • Mini-pill.
    It contains progestin only to prevent egg fertilization.
  • Patch.
    It is worn on the skin to release estrogen and progestin in the bloodstream to prevent pregnancy.
  • Vaginal ring.
    It is a flexible plastic ring that releases progestin to prevent ovulation and thicken vaginal mucus to prevent sperm passage.
  • The morning-after pill.
    It is an emergency contraceptive pill that prevents ovulation, fertilization, and implantation of the embryo after intercourse.

Permanent methods

It involves female sterilization as follows:

  • Tubal ligation.
    It involves cutting, burning, and blocking the fallopian tube to seal and prevent future fertilization.
  • Tubal implant.
    It involves placing a coil in the fallopian tube for tissues to grow around it and prevent fertilization.

Consult your birth control specialist today

Birth control methods are a powerful tool to improve pregnancy planning, prevent unintended pregnancy, and some methods such as condoms avoid STIs. Contact and book an appointment with Memorial Women’s Specialists, get contraceptive counseling, and get the best-suited and most effective birth control method.






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Everything You Ought to Know About Birth Control

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