5 Tips for Successful Conception

5 Tips for Successful Conception : A successful conception takes place when the sperm of a man fertilizes the egg of a woman. For some, it can prove to be a time-consuming affair. While for others, it may take longer than usual. Around 80 per cent of couples will be successful in becoming pregnant within 1 year of effort. The remaining 20 per cent may take longer to conceive successfully.

To comprehend the process of pregnancy and conception, it is imperative to have a clear understanding of how the reproductive organs of male and female works, especially the menstrual cycle and periods. For more clarity, you can check the tips of the conception given below.

Top Five Tips for Conceiving Successfully

The center for IVF treatment in Thane has helped hundreds of women to naturally conceive and give birth to a healthy child. The most clinically proven advice that an expert can give you is not to venture into other countries or cities. The IVF success rate in Thane is quite impressive. Here a befitting treatment of infertility is possible that will help you to conceive.

  1. Having a preconception checkup

    It is nothing but a general health checkup. The procedures here make sure that you are in a sound state of physical and mental health before attempting to conceive. Your preconception checkup is an assurance that you do not suffer from any health conditions that may impair pregnancy or reduce the chances of having a healthy baby.

    A preconception checkup of your health will uncover health hazards if any. There are numerous benefits of preconception health checkups. It will help you to tick the healthy checkboxes before you begin your ordeal of conceiving.

  2. Having a checkup of sexual health

    If you had pre-marital sex with an infected partner or if you had a history of the Sexually transmitted disease, then you need to see the doctor. If left unchecked, the problem may deteriorate into serious ailments, which may affect your reproductive capacities. The good news is that most of the STIs are treatable.

    When you undergo a sexual health checkup before having a baby, you will have the assurance that you have covered up the fallbacks and set them in a desirable state. Checking your sexual health will bring into light conditions like Chlamydia which can cause serious difficulties in your way to conceiving successfully. All it takes is just a course of topical antibiotics to get rid of the infection.

  3. Quit Smoking and alcohol consumption

    Alcohol is one of the reproductive impairments for both men and women. Their common side effects are reduced, libido, infertility, and poor sperm quality. They also induce undesirable chemical changes resulting in irreparable damages to sperm and egg, which will resonate in the form of poor health in the future child.

    You must get the fact into your system that smoking is very detrimental to the chances of a successful conception. Even if you manage to conceive without quitting smoking, the risks of miscarriages are high. Thus, it will be prudent to give up smoking before you attempt to conceive. The sooner you break the vicious cycle of smoking, the better it is for you.

    It would help if you also had control over the consumption of alcohol. The best way out is to stop it. You can have an occasional glass of wine but remember it should not transgress to become a habit.

  4. Stress Reduction

    Medical practitioners have a strong opinion on the impairing effect of stress over the common physiological aspects of life process. Infertility patients often suffer from the guilt of not being able to conceive successfully. As a result, their body secretes an excessive amount of cortisol. You need to restore the hormonal balance of your body to a state of normalcy for conceiving successfully.

  5. Lifestyle Changes

    Your lifestyle is something that you can improve at any stage of your life, even when you are trying to conceive successfully. It all begins with the choice of healthy habits along with healthy twitches to your lifestyle can do wonders for both the male and female partners.

    If you are serious about starting a family, then you must enforce healthy habits for yourself and your partner. Considering that you are underweight, it makes sense to consult a dietician to put on weight healthily and optimize the chances of conceiving successfully.

    Obese and overweight persons are at high risk of developing complications during pregnancy. To bring down the risks, you need to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly. If you collate regular exercises, a healthy diet, and lifestyle, then the chances of conceiving successfully increase a lot. Hence, you must bring about the changes at the earliest. The sooner you are on to it, the better it turns out to be.



Finally, it would help if you had a positive frame of mind. Do not be despondent is you fail to conceive on the first chance. Consult your fertility expert and keep yourself at par with the latest treatments. Soon you will have the long-awaited good news.






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5 Tips for Successful Conception

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