Benefits of Hormonal Contraceptives other than Preventing Pregnancy

Benefits of Hormonal Contraceptives other than Preventing Pregnancy : Hormonal contraceptives have come a long way since they were first introduced. The levels of hormones have been reduced to reduce the efficiency while maintaining the effectiveness. There are different kinds of hormonal contraceptives in the market. These include the implant, patch, pill, or shot that are popular.

Birth control works by preventing the ovaries from releasing eggs which prevents fertilization from occurring. While the common use for contraceptives is to prevent pregnancy, there are other uses for taking birth control. Here are some benefits of using hormonal birth control that does not include pregnancy prevention.

  1. Regulation of menstrual cycles

    A lot happens during your menstrual cycle. Using hormonal birth control can help regulate the hormones which can alleviate some of the menstrual symptoms including irregular periods. You can get lighter and more regular periods if you use birth control.

    You can also get rid of hormonal acne by balancing your hormones through hormonal contraceptives.  Those that contain estrogen and progesterone are the most effective when it comes to fighting acne.

  2. Reduces cramping

    Reduces cramping
    Reduces cramping

    Some women get menstrual cramps so severe that it interferes with their daily activities. By taking hormonal birth control, they can reduce or eliminate the pain they go through every month.

  3. Reduces the risk of getting cancer

    Using hormonal contraceptives also has some long-term effects. It reduces the risk of getting certain cancers. You are at a lower risk of getting uterine and ovarian cancer if you take the pill. Studies show that the effects can last for up to 20 years after you stop taking it.

  4. Reduces the risk of ovarian cysts

    Reduces the risk of ovarian cysts
    Reduces the risk of ovarian cysts

    During ovulation, small sacs formed in your ovary can get full of fluid. Although they are not harmful, they can be painful. When you have several, you develop Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Hormonal birth control can prevent this from happening by preventing ovulation and stop former cysts from growing back.

  5. Relieves the symptoms of PMDD and PMS

    Many women experience emotional symptoms in the days before their period. While people often brush it off as something normal, it is caused by hormonal fluctuations. You can also get a more severe form of PMS known as PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder). If you have this, you get more extreme physical and mental symptoms. There are birth control pills that can treat this.

  6. Reduces the risk of getting anemia

    Reduces the risk of getting anemia
    Reduces the risk of getting anemia

    Some women get heavy periods that put them at risk for getting anemia. When you become anemic, you experience weakness and fatigue since your red blood cells are not enough to carry oxygen around your body. Hormonal birth control methods allow you to miss your period which means no blood loss.

    For most women, getting their period is a way of life. However, this has changed with hormonal birth control pills. They give you the freedom to bleed when you want. If you are taking pills, you bleed during the time you are taking placebo pills. Other hormonal methods like the implant, patch and injection make you skip your period.

  7. Helps in the management of endometriosis

    Endometriosis is a condition where the uterine tissue grows in other parts of your body and not in the uterus. During your period, all the uterine tissue bleeds no matter the location. When the blood cannot get out of your body, you experience pain and inflammation. Since hormonal contraceptives prevent you from getting your period, they are recommended for endometriosis management.

Where do you start?

Where do you start on Hormonal Birth Control
Where do you start on Hormonal Birth Control

Hormonal birth control still has side effects and is not for everyone. You need to consult your physician who will guide you on the best method. If you are over 35 or smoke, using the wrong hormonal birth control can increase your risk of hypertension and blood clots. The risk is also high for those who mix more than one method.

From this post, you can see there are several benefits of using hormonal contraceptives other than prevent pregnancy. You can consult your physician if you have heavy periods, severe cramps and any other hormonal imbalance problems so you can get the right prescription. Take control of your body and live a carefree life by taking hormonal birth control pills.





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Benefits of Hormonal Contraceptives other than Preventing Pregnancy

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