Get to Learn More About the Management of Anxiety at Mindset

Get to Learn More About the Management of Anxiety at Mindset : Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders that affects approximately one-third of adults and adolescents. In case you recognize that your anxiety does not respond to conventional therapies, you are always encouraged to seek medical care.

A San Diego psychiatrist uses an effective, safe, and non-invasive procedure called personalized repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to treat the disruptive brainwaves, which are the primary sources of obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety.

What are you supposed to know about anxiety disorders?

When one is anxious, their brain responds by releasing hormones and neurotransmitters. Both of them are substances that affect many systems in your body and energize it to quickly escape from harm or deal with the perceived threat. After the danger is over and the anxiety is alleviated, these biochemicals return to normal unless you have an anxiety disorder. People who get anxiety disorders are always on high alert even if there is no threat.

Similarly, when you are also anxious, your brain’s electrical conductivity is usually different from regular brain waves. Personalized repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation can balance neuron activity, restore brainwaves, and alleviate anxiety.

What to know about obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD)?

Earlier on, obsessive-compulsive disorder was classified as an anxiety disorder. Still, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders, the 5th edition, it is classified as a class on its own. It is classified as obsessive-compulsive and other related disorders. However, it is also possible to have OCD patients with a co-existing anxiety problem.  A person diagnosed with OCD has obsessions that are always unwanted and repetitive feelings and thoughts that one cannot control. The addiction typically causes severe anxiety that compels them to do something to alleviate the tension.

The action taken to relieve the anxiety is referred to as compulsion. However, a compulsion only alleviates the tension, but the intrusive thoughts usually come back eventually, and the same cycle continues. Like anxiety disorders, there has also been abnormal electrical activity in the brain of an individual with OCD; therefore, personalized repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is used to modify brainwaves to relieve the symptoms of OCD.

What is TMS?

TMS is a technique that involves the use of magnetic impulses to stimulate neurons located in the brain. When it is repeatedly delivered, it enables you to restore the regular brainwave activity, thus producing long-term improvement in mental health problems, including OCD and anxiety. The device used to create magnetic pulses is always placed on top near the head, ensuring that a specific part of the brain is targeted to treat the affected area only. Doing so prevents damaging other parts of the brain.

What is PrTMS?

PrTMS uses TMS to treat OCD and anxiety but significantly improves the procedure by individualizing therapy to help meet your unique brainwave pattern. Three steps have been developed by specialists to optimize PrTMS results. On the first step, an electroencephalogram is used to map the activity of your brain. The EEG produces an accurate image of the electrical activity of the brain, thus enabling the specialist to identify any brain arrhythmias.

On the second step, the patient fills a questionnaire that identifies symptoms, giving the experts a comprehensive analysis of your mental health. It enables them to identify and target the parts of the brain that are affected. In the final step, the reported symptoms and results of the EEG are evaluated by an innovative Peaklogic software which is an advanced program that provides information required to develop an individualized PrTMS for every unique brain mapping.

Suppose you or someone close to you is having anxiety or OCD; visit MindSet today to have your symptoms alleviated.





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Get to Learn More About the Management of Anxiety at Mindset

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