Give Your Butt a Workout
Tone up your butt with these three easy workouts
Lunge: Stand with your feet together, and grasp the back of a chair. Keeping weight on the heel of your right foot, step left foot back 3 feet and bend right knee no more than 90 degrees, making sure it doesn’t go past your toes. Repeat 10 times on each leg.
Tap up, tap down: Stand with both feet on the first step of a staircase. Tap your left foot to the floor as if you were dipping it into a bucket of water behind you. Bring the foot back up and tap the step. Repeat 10 times, then switch to the right leg.
Wall squat: Leaning against a wall, move feet forward 2 feet, keeping them shoulder-width apart. Press your back into the wall and slowly slide down as sitting in a chair (no lower than 90 degrees, keeping knees over ankles). Hold for 30 seconds.