How does Cyber Bullying Affect Students in their New Job? The internet is an indispensable tool in today’s technological and globalized culture. It offers numerous gains to students but isn’t without its downsides, one of which is cyber bullying. This act sometimes called electronic victimization occurs across various social media platforms, leading to critical mental health issues among victims.
The subsequent sections reveal helpful information on cyberbullying, its form, workplace impact, and more.
What is Cyber bullying?
Bullying predominantly occurs in high and middle school, but this ill act often continues into higher levels of education such as college and university. Such acts can have critical mental health repercussions, leaving many victims to battle with feelings of depression, anxiety, and suicidality. They tend to have a challenging time socializing with others, often choosing isolation when given the chance to interact with others. But it happens in a new form, Cyber bullying, and given how much time students spend on the internet, they are easy targets for aggressors. Academic challenges, drug abuse, depression, low social skills, anxiety, somatic symptoms, and suicidality are some of the effects of cyber bullying on students. It usually involves perpetrators finding ways to attack victims, with the aim being to exclude or hold some leverage over them. Multiple free essay examples on the topic are available online, with this write-up providing helpful information for students.
Here are some common tactics aggressors employ in cyber bullying:
- Criticizing individuals based on their sexual orientation or identity.
- Sexual harassment.
- An outing of sensitive or private information without an individual’s consent.
Such acts can have critical mental health repercussions, leaving many victims to battle with feelings of depression, anxiety, and suicidality. They tend to have a challenging time socializing with others, often choosing isolation when given the chance to interact with others.
Cyber bullying isn’t restricted to only social media platforms; it also includes attacks through private messaging. During the latter, many children tend to stay silent and avoid confiding in others, attempting to manage the attacks and their effects themselves.
Cyber bullying at University
University students run a high risk of falling prey to the antics of cyber bullies, which leads to at least psychological problems for them. It’s crucial to nib such a habit in the bud at this educational level, given that behaviors at adolescent stages tend to shape those most people exhibit in adulthood. Creating awareness of the dangers and how students can manage electronic victimization is crucial to beating it.
Effects of cyber bullying on college students can range from mild embarrassment and sadness to more adverse ones such as self-harm and suicide. Many victims skip school or turn to drug abuse to combat the isolation and depression accompanying bullying. Also, the form of victimization correlates with the severity of the effects on students. For example, it’s more damaging on a student when they have their pictures or videos leaked online than attacks from calls and texts.

Impact of Student Cyber Bullying at Work
Cyber bullying can adversely impact a student’s life even after graduating from university. They can find it challenging working with others at the workplace, especially on a new job. University is a critical part of shaping a young adult’s life, serving as an environment for pupils to build their social skills. Electronic victimization at this level of education can derail this process, as children experience low self-esteem and keep to themselves.
Many victims of cyber bullying lack social skills and find it challenging to meet people. And in today’s world, excellent communication in a workplace is often a prerequisite for success. Adjusting to a new job can take extended periods, and they might never settle, leading to friction during team assignments.
Here are some of the cyber bullying consequences that individuals might exhibit in the workplace.
- Sudden feats of anger
- Extreme mood swings
- Anxiety
- Isolation
Creating awareness of not just the effects of cyber bullying, but also knowing possible signs can help combat this behavior from society. Schools should have therapists in place to help victims manage and beat the impact. Practicing good work environment ethics and having employees partake in team-building exercises can help individuals that experienced bullying antics in college.
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