How To Breathe Correctly While Running

How To Breathe Correctly While Running : Engaging in any kind of physical activity, you need to be able to observe and track your breathing. How quickly you get tired, whether you can develop the necessary training rhythm and increase the body’s endurance, largely depends on it. In this resource, you will find valuable information on how to breathe properly while running.

Why is it important

During sports exercises, the respiratory system performs the following functions:

  1. Saturates with oxygen. With its insufficient amount, the effectiveness of the exercises is significantly reduced.
  2. Helps to increase the duration of your run and get rid of excess glycogen.
  3. Reduces stress factor during body load.
  4. Normalizes the brain, stimulates its activity, which has a positive effect on coordination.
  5. Allows you to adjust your heart rate. Using a variety of techniques, you can calm or speed up your heartbeat.
  6. Promotes more fruitful fat burning: completed fats are burned only with a large amount of oxygen.

How To Breathe Correctly While Running

The human respiratory apparatus is directly connected with the circulatory system. Thanks to this connection, oxygen is extracted from the inhaled air mass, enters hemoglobin and is transported throughout the body. To increase the efficiency of consumption of this substance, observe the rhythm: control the depth and frequency of inspiration. A lack of O2 is dangerous, especially during physical activity, and an excess of it can provoke dizziness, so it is highly undesirable to breathe chaotically.

The quality of the environment is also worth considering. The best place to run is in the park: the more greenery around, the cleaner the air. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release the pure oxygen we need so much.

By nose or mouth

When jogging, nasal breathing is preferred. Inhale for each step (or for the second, if you use your lungs at full strength), and exhale when lifting the leg (or when raising it again, if the rhythm is slow).

Do not be afraid of the formation of a stabbing pain in the side. Its occurrence means the accumulation of blood in the spleen or liver, which is pressed by the diaphragm, but this does not pose a danger. As soon as the unpleasant sensations appear, adjust the intensity of the run: let each inhalation and exhalation fall on the opposite side (if it tingles on the right, breathe when the left foot touches the ground, and vice versa).

Mouth breathing is not recommended, since oxygen in this case will dry out the oral mucosa, cause additional moisture loss and, as a result, discomfort. At the same time, air does not get clearly into the lungs, but partly into the stomach.

The best option is to inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

There are various breathing techniques, each of which suits its purpose and training format. Competently using and combining techniques, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of classes. So, during the warm-up process, it is better to breathe through the nose, not adjusting to the rhythm of the steps – this will activate the activity of the chest and reduce the pressure on the liver or spleen.

When doing moderate aerobic running, always take a deep breath. In this case, it is necessary to saturate the muscles with a sufficient volume of oxygen so that the internal reserves of glycogen are not depleted and the body does not begin to consume energy from sugar in muscle tissues.

With cardio training, you need to monitor cadence and use shallow nasal breathing. This way it will be possible to maintain the intensity of the run longer and prevent tingling in the side. To add pressure to your abs, breathe in with your chest, not your diaphragm.

While working on burning fat, it is permissible to inhale and exhale through the mouth. Such training requires a lot of oxygen, which can be obtained through full lung function or rapid, shallow breathing.

Rules: how to increase breathing while running

First, remember that breathing technique directly affects the speed of the heart: breathing chaotically, breaking the rhythm, you create an artificial arrhythmia, which creates unnecessary stress on the internal organs. If you experience a tingling sensation in the area of the heart muscle while jogging, you should reduce the intensity of the exercise.

Secondly, follow a few basic guidelines that will help increase your endurance. More details about them are below.

Fresh air

Train in places where there is a lot of oxygen: in the park or in the forest. You should not run near the motorway, in industrial areas, because together with oxygen, we absorb harmful impurities.

Breathing depth adjustment

At rest or in sleep, we breathe shallowly, taking a shallow breath and barely noticeable exhalation, and about once every 5 minutes we take a deep breath. But this method is ineffective while running.

The breathing apparatus can be developed by breathing alternately with medium and full force. It makes sense to fill your lungs with air as much as possible only when you feel a lack of oxygen. At any other time, moderate intensity is optimal.

Do not breathe in deeply at every step – this way you will quickly feel O2 deficiency, which will be accompanied by dizziness.

Breathing in and out has its own turn

Each cycle should be one or two steps – depending on the rhythm and speed of movement.

Rhythm and frequency

When the pace gets out of hand, the same thing happens with the respiratory process: oxygen enters the body unevenly; you choke and cannot continue a systematic run.

Breathe in and out in different ways

Inhale through your sinuses and exhale through your mouth. This will make it possible to most efficiently obtain O2 from the external environment, warm it up, and get rid of processed carbon dioxide you can also try pct supplement to increase the your stamina.

Holding your breath

The pace will constantly go astray if, while running, you start to get distracted, drink on the go, talk. By holding up the rhythmic work of the lungs, you are depriving yourself of the required volume of air.

Breathe deeply

Experts recommend connecting the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to the process. It is important to control and regulate the intensity so as not to lead to oversaturation of oxygen.

The body will be able to find the right rhythm

There is an opinion that your body knows much better at what pace it is more efficient to work. Thus, no special techniques are required. The main thing is to catch the natural rhythm that is formed at the beginning of the workout and not get out of it. It all depends on the degree of load, the speed of movement and the tasks of the classes. Proper breathing during a light, calm recovery run or during a warm-up should not make you gasp for breath.

Try to choose the option that will be useful specifically for your body. Change this or that technique, adjust it to your rhythm, be sure to take into account the state of health, the degree of physical fitness.

Your main task is to listen to the body, to feel its needs. As soon as severe discomfort arises, try a different breathing pattern.

For long distances, inhale and exhale in 2 steps

This is a classic pattern for marathon athletes. This technique allows you to develop endurance and increase the efficiency of the body.

Synchronize the process with movement

As discussed below, the 2-2 scenario works well for long distance runs. Having mastered it, you can try increasing the pace to “3-2”, which will improve your health and get more oxygen, or “2-1” for acceleration.

Concentrate on exhaling

In this case, it is better to perform it through the mouth. By focusing on ridding your lungs of carbon dioxide, you prevent the possibility of choking.

Reduce inhalation

By adjusting the depth of breathing, you will achieve normalization of the heart muscle and understand how to develop and train a breathing apparatus for running.

Breathe through your mouth

It is impossible to inhale and exhale only through the nose – you risk not getting the proper amount of oxygen from the air. To understand how correctly you alternate the nasal and oral modes, you need an effort that will allow you to hear yourself during training.

Use your belly

The diaphragm allows for deeper inhalation, as it is not limited to the ribcage and ribs. This provides the lungs with much more room to expand and oxygenate.

Effective breathing at different rates

The main thing to learn is that the more intense the exercise, the more often you need to breathe. During an increase in the speed of movement, the body’s need for the O2 element also increases, and in order to provide it with a sufficient volume of air, you will have to inhale more times.

Fast run

Your main goal is to get as much oxygen as possible when you inhale and completely get rid of carbon dioxide when you exhale. Use your abdominal muscles and diaphragm as much as possible to avoid painful sensations in the side.

Slow jog

The work of the respiratory system should be free and deep. It is necessary to inhale twice as fast as exhaling. At the beginning of the workout, you will have to constantly control the rhythm, but over time it will even out and turn into your natural one.

Periodically check the correct breathing technique while running: to understand how to breathe, try to talk without stopping the movement. If there is no shortness of breath, then you are doing everything right. If you feel that you are starting to choke, slow down and restore your pulse.

Strive to keep the inhalation and exhalation even, combine the lift of the diaphragm and chest, and also try using your nose and mouth at the same time.

What to do when it stabs in the side

There may be several reasons for the occurrence of discomfort:

  • incorrect rhythm of the respiratory system;
  • excessive stress on the body;
  • lack of preliminary warm-up before training;
  • you have a hearty meal before class.

If you feel a painful tingling sensation, don’t stop – just slow down. While inhaling, firmly squeeze the sore spot and release it as you exhale. Repeat the scheme 2-3 times and the pain will go away.


Having mastered the competent breathing method, you will not only carry out exercises with maximum efficiency, but you will also be able to improve your well-being in general. The main goal is to saturate the body with the required oxygen rate and prevent its excess.

Run often. Over time, physical fitness will get better, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems will get used to regular exercise and learn to adapt to the training conditions. Starting with short time intervals, you can gradually increase the duration of the sessions and the distance.

A few videos will help consolidate information on how to train and improve your running breathing apparatus and develop and develop your lungs.







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How To Breathe Correctly While Running

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