How to Determine the Measurements of Your Glasses :
Do you wear glasses?
If you do, the chances are good that finding a pair that fits is the bane of your existence. They either hurt your head, or they end up crooked or falling off.
Contrary to popular belief, you really can get eyeglasses that fit well. What follows is a measurement guide that gives everything needed to get the perfect fitting pair of glasses.
Determining Frame Size
The first step towards getting glasses that fit perfectly is to determine your frame measurement.
Start by determining the size of the glasses you already wear. Do this by looking at the numbers printed inside the temple of the frames. There are usually three of these numbers. Some people call this the eyeglass “arm.” These numbers will say something like 47 19 140.
Reading these numbers printed left to right, the measurements will appear in this order:
Lens width.
The width of the lens. Bridge width. The measurement between the lenses, or the section that crosses the bridge of your nose.
Arm or Temple length.
The arm is the length from the screw that holds the arm and the frame together to the end that passes over the ear.
A fourth number, which does not always appear, is the height of the lens. Note that all of these measurements are in millimeters.
Measuring the Perfect Fit For You
When determining which frames are best, always remember that frames that are too narrow make your head look fat. Those that are too wide tend to make your head look narrower. Pick a size that is only slightly wider than your head.
There shouldn’t be enough room to put your finger in the space between your head and glasses.
Now it’s time to pick a temple length. The variance of this measurement isn’t as significant as others, mainly to 135mm, 140mm, 145mm, and 150mm. The temple length should fit evenly along the outside of the ear.
Now it’s time to fit the lens. To find the right-sized lens, it’s good to remember that small lens are 50mm or smaller.
A medium lens falls between 51mm and 54mm. A large lens is anything wider than 55mm.
A wearer’s eyes should fall centered within the lenses. Frames that are too wide for the wearer’s eyes make the eyes look too close together. Narrower frames give eyes a wide set look.
Selecting an Ideal Bridge Width
The bridge of eyeglasses should rest comfortably flush against the nose.
If the wearer wants a narrower bridge or eyes are close-set, this number should be lower. Otherwise, If a wearer wants a broader bridge or has wide-set eyes, the number should be higher.
The size of a person’s nose should decide which frame style works best. If a person’s nose is higher, the eyeglass style should have a bridge that is even with the frame’s brow line. If a person’s nose is lower on their face, a frame with a lower bridge and a curved brow line would be better suited.
Finding the Perfect Set of Frames
It takes as little as strolling into a given ophthalmologist’s office to find that the variety of eyeglass styles available today is nothing short of astonishing. And this holds for both men and women’s styles. Whatever you need, you can find it at EyeWearhaus.
All of the measurements discussed aside; the best way to fit glasses is to try them on. Whatever a wearer finds most comfortable and stylistically pleasing is the best pair for them.
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