Living a good life means different things to the different people. What does it mean to you? Living luxuriously, being charitable, having good friends or nurturing your home? You can have your priorities. Good life means that you should not envy anyone, you should be spontaneous and keep your life uncluttered from feelings of being envy. You can fall in love whenever you wish – it can ensure happiness all the time. You may try Yoga – it will never fail you.
Work On Yourself
You are responsible for what you are thinking and the person you ultimately are. Work on yourself everyday. Focus on the large picture even as you fulfill your daily responsibilities. I try to make each day rich for myself, starting with prayer in the morning and ending with prayer in the evening. I fill the day with what I love most, that is my work. In between, I fulfill my duties as father and husband. I truly believe that one has to feed one’s own self along with what we owe to others. This constitutes a balanced way of living.
Don’t Take Tension.
Get a good night’s sleep. This requires some efforts. Ensure that there are no unresolved problems, conflicts or negative situations crowding your mind when you hit the pillow at night. Kindly don’t let anything disturb your sleep. There must be no tension. Walk away from the unpleasant situations and people. It would be good for your health. You must prefer to stick only to those people who like you. If you find yourself on fault, don’t hesitate to apologize and move on.
Learn a Skill.
You may have a goal that fires your imagination and makes you feel alive as you pound away at it. It could be learning a skill, getting a qualification, a promotion or your health related goals. Without goals, life becomes directionless and even with all the money and comforts in the world, quite dissatisfying. When the goal is achieved, set a new one. Don’t kill yourself over it but keep making efforts to reach it.
Dance and Sing Without Inhibition.
Listen to your inner voice and stay true to yourself. Trust your judgment and go with your intuition rather than logic sometimes and never compromise on your values and principles. Dance and sing without inhibition that is the best therapy in the world.
Life is about Compassion, Surprise and Wonderment.
Don’t wonder at the purpose of life. Feel grateful to Him for the fact that you are alive to enjoy the pleasures available on the earth. Allow this awareness to enrich every moment of your life. Say that your existence is a highly unlikely event and you are living – it is a surprise and you must achieve the maximum out of it – it can get lost any moment and then you would not be able to accomplish your dreams. You must love your values, your dears and nears
Don’t Retire From Life.
Don’t rest on past laurels. Don’t retire from your life even when you retire officially from your regular work. You must carry on your routine work – don’t awake up at 8A.M. not knowing what to do during the day. After official retirement, you may get a change in your duties but you can replace them with the new ones, more stringent so as to make yourself more busy.
Nurture Your own Garden.
Be creatively occupied in making your house a home and keeping close ties with nature. Rented places can never give you the comfort or security of a home that is yours. Try to get some garden space in your house. Plant your own trees and flower plants. See them grow and blossom. You may cultivate a sense of kinship with them and feel the enjoyment with their fragrance.
The Gift of Giving.
Make charity as a part of your daily routine by giving leftovers to the needy and deserving persons, animals and birds etc. It is the basic principle of the karma in action. You will get back what you give – He witnesses everything. The act of charity may make you feel good if you are doing it sincerely. It may fill you with a sense of detachment with the material possessions. You can start with some smallest amount or something out of your cupboard.
Accept the Bad with Dignity.
Go slow on expectations from others, from the world around you. You must not seat the small or big stuff and take ups and downs in your stride. You should plan but do not become mad for that’s implementation if you see that is going to be beyond your control. You must not get frustrated with the earlier failures – perhaps they may be a guide to you for betterment in your next efforts. Accept with dignity if something goes wrong unexpectedly.
There are many other steps too which you can take to live a good life. Do them as and when you find it comfortable.
Be Happy – How to live a Good Life.