How To Use Decor To Improve Your Wellbeing : How your home is decorated has a direct link to both your mental and physical health. While it may sound odd, the décor in your home may be causing your wellbeing to be negatively impacted, if your home wasn’t decorated with wellbeing in mind.
What can you do in your home with décor to help promote and improve your wellbeing, physical health and mood?
Use Colour Theory When Painting Walls
Colour theory shows that different colours evoke different emotions in people, for instance: red colours bring up feelings of love and passion, whereas blue colours bring the feelings of peace and serenity. If you’re struggling with your wellbeing, you may find using colour theory to inform your décor can set you in the right mood, by using colours that stimulate the emotions you want to feel.
Decorate Your Bedroom For Perfect Sleep
Nothing ruins a day like a bad night’s sleep, poor sleep is detrimental to both our physical and mental wellbeing, so by having a bedroom not centred around sleep could have negative effects on your health. You should look to create a cosy, dark space to encourage sleep, with stylish day and night blinds, soft cosy bedding and muted colours to encourage good sleep.
Work Nature Into Your Decorations
Studies have shown time and time again that exposure to nature can improve your wellbeing, with it being linked to better moods, reduction in mental health issues and even improved sleep. Knowing how important exposure to nature is, you should try and work nature into your décor, whether by using flowers as décor pieces, using natural materials like wood, or using colours commonly found in nature like greens and browns in your décor.
Maximise Natural Sunlight Exposure
Exposure to natural Sunlight is also incredibly beneficial for your wellbeing, with Sunlight helping to give you vitamin-D, reduce stress levels and help improve your sleep. Because of this, you should try to maximise the amount of natural light that’s in your homes, this can be done by installing large windows, opening curtains and placing mirrors to reflect the light around your home.
Prioritise Comfort With Furniture & Furnishings
Feeling comfortable at home has great wellbeing benefits and of course, being uncomfortable can be detrimental to our wellbeing. So, when you’re decorating your home, you should aim to create a comfortable and relaxing space for the best wellbeing outcomes. Using soft blankets, plush rugs and cosy cushions should help make the space more comfortable for you.
Create A Personal Connection With Wall Art
It is important for your wellbeing that where you live feels like home and what better way is there to make your house feel more personal, than by adding a few personal touches with wall art? You can hang posters for your favourite films, hang art pieces you enjoy or even make your own to hang. By doing this, you will feel a greater personal connection to your home and improve your wellbeing.
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How To Use Decor To Improve Your Wellbeing
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