IPL Hair Removal At Home : There is no woman who has not wished, even just once, to end her hair forever. The dream is already a reality and, now, it can be realized at home, safely and without wasting time.
We are talking about the beautiful skirt that you feel like wearing when the sun heats up, but the depilation is not done. Or when we receive an invitation to go to the beach, but the hair is already noticeable without being big enough to be removed. Or when we have a special weekend ahead of us, but the beautician can’t see us — and no, we don’t want to use the razor. If you see yourself in what you’ve just read, welcome to the club. Allow us to introduce Noha, an IPL Device designed to cater to your needs. To purchase this product, simply click here.
Over the centuries, the methods and practices to perform long-lasting and effective hair removal have evolved, but always with the same objective: to achieve smooth and hair-free skin for as long as possible.
We can divide the techniques available today to eliminate body hair basically into two types: temporary and permanent. In the former, we find removal using a blade, machine (cutting or hair removal), depilatory creams or wax; among the definitive techniques, we have the laser and the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), with numerous advantages in their use.
Definitive Hair Removal Techniques
Definitive techniques end up preserving the health of the skin compared to temporary processes. In fact, using a blade or cutting machine, for example, tends to sensitize the skin, which can cause cuts, infections and skin irritation. In the same way, the recurrent use of creams, foams or depilatory gels also carries a risk of irritation. In addition, these options imply that the hair is cut, but its root remains, which causes the hair to grow apparently thicker (apparently because, in its natural growth, the hair tends to be thicker near the root, making it thinner at the tip). Thus, these methods not only bring aesthetic results that fall short of what is desired, but also imply a much more frequent epilation and greater skin irritation.
IPL Hair Removal
Pulsed light hair removal has gained more and more supporters, as it destroys the root through a beam of light without damaging the surrounding tissues. With regular use, the number of hairs dramatically decreases, allowing for a long-lasting epilation. The pulsed light is less strong than lasers and therefore can be used safely in a domestic context.
The fact that the IPL Handset by Snowyskin was developed for use at home, excluding trips to beauty centers, is particularly relevant nowadays. Indeed, in the context of a pandemic, it is important to maintain routines that make us feel good about ourselves, in the comfort of home and at low cost, and that machine can still be used by various elements of the family – which makes the investment made in the device profitable.
Benefits of IPL Hair Removal by Snowyskin:
Removes Hair In 10 Minutes
The SnowySkin IPL Handset has been designed to deliver results in 3-4 weeks. 5 different power setting to suit your skin-tone or skins sensitivity while still producing results at any level.
Suits Most Skin Colors
It removes hair re-growth in just a couple of sessions. Its clinical-grade technology is certified safe and effective and you can use it in any part of your body – in the underarms, legs, thighs, bikini line, face, neck, shoulders, and back.
Completely Pain-Free
One of the many advantages of the Snowyskin’s IPL Handset over other types of laser is that it is pain-free. Most customers explain the feeling as a warm sensation on the skin.
Takes Just Minutes To Use
It is estimated a treatment time of just eight and a half minutes in the depilation of two half legs, and only one and a half minutes on the face.
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