Laser Hair Removal: Does It Last?

Laser hair removal is a long-lasting procedure of removal of hair by damaging or destroying the hair follicles. There are high chances of hair regrowth if the follicle is only damaged and not completely destroyed.

This is the reason that doctors now prefer laser hair removal instead of other hair removal treatments.

You can find out more about laser hair removal in this article, such as how does it work, how long it lasts, and what it costs.

Laser Hair Removal: How Does It Work?

In the process of laser hair removal, light is used to target the pigments of individual hairs. The light reaches the hair shaft first and then targets the hair follicles. The laser light then emits heat to destroy follicles so that the hair may no longer grow.

Our hairs follow a complete growth cycle. It involves the period of resting, shedding, and growth. Newly removed hairs that are in the resting phase become disappear during laser treatment, laser hair removal Oakville specialists recommend taking periodic laser treatment to remove all the hairs. It usually takes 2 to 3 months to complete the whole treatment process.

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

The laser treatment in which hair follicles are destroyed removes hair permanently. However, you can expect growth in some targeted areas again. To ensure long-lasting results from hair removal treatment, doctors recommend taking periodic session for a short time. As it reduces the chances of hair regrowth. However, sometimes it is possible to eliminate all hairs.

The growth of hairs actually depends on various factors such as hair types and the skills of the person doing the treatment. However, most of the people who faced hair regrowth told that the hair was lighter and a little less noticeable than before. And it happens because the laser though fails to destroy the follicle yet damages it.

Realistically speaking, it’s nearly impossible to destroy every single hair follicle. Therefore, the hairs regrow out of damaged follicles. In fact, you can another treatment upon regrowth. And this is the reason that doctors recommend taking several sessions.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

Everything comes with some side effects, so does laser hair removal. People who take the treatment experience discomfort and issues such as stinging and burning. Therefore, before starting the laser treatment most of the technicians give pre-laser treatment. Some creams are applied to the patient’s skin before laser treatment. However, some people with sensitive skin may still face irritation or reaction because of creams.

Here are some minor side effects that occur due to laser removal treatment:

  • A temporary change in skin color or tone
  • Redness on skin
  • The appearance of blisters on the skin
  • Irritation
  • Your skin is also suspected to catch some infection if its already damaged

It’s advised to give a detailed medical history to your doctor before you opt for any treatment. It not only lowers the risk of side effects but also reduces the chances of infection.


Laser hair removal is a long-lasting hair removal method. But hairs may regrow at some parts despite all the precautions and protocols. Therefore, the doctors advise people to take periodic treatments to avoid further hair growth.





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