Lose extra pounds with massage : Massage is commonly thought to be a method for relaxation, muscle fatigue relief, and emotional detox. However few of us realize that a massage therapist might be your closest friend when it comes to shaping the ideal body. The issue is that you can enhance those areas that are harder to focus on during a workout.
Of course, you must realize that a single massage will not solve all of your problems. Massage should be accompanied with good nutrition, exercise, and a healthy metabolism, which massage promotes. Let’s talk about which types of massage can help you shape your body and get those long-awaited ideal bends.
The famous lymphatic drainage massage
Lymphatic drainage is a real “generator” of beauty, youth and health. Such a massage has both aesthetic and therapeutic effects on the body. After several sessions, the general condition of the clients improves, the metabolic processes in the cells are activated, the cleansing of the body is accelerated, toxins are removed, the skin is saturated with oxygen. Today, lymphatic drainage massage is successfully used to reduce weight, relieve swelling, improve the condition of the whole body and is in demand in a huge number of countries. Just google, say, lymphatic drainage massage Dubai and you will see how many clinics provide this service.
- lymphatic drainage body massage is able to accelerate the flow of lymph;
- anti-cellulite lymphatic drainage massage promotes the removal of excess intercellular fluid, leading to the appearance and manifestation of cellulite;
- with the help of this procedure, it is possible to improve blood circulation in tissues, eliminate edema, as well as more quickly get rid of inflammatory processes, and restore muscle tissue.
What causes the effect? When conducting both hardware and manual lymphatic drainage massage, massaging movements are performed along the paths of the lymph flow, which increases blood flow to the tissues. As a result, not only muscle tone improves, but also lymph circulation.
Lymphatic drainage with bamboo sticks
One of the great attractions of Bali, Goa, and Thailand is bamboo stick massage. Bamboo is associated with youth and beauty in Asian cultures, so it was not picked at random as the material for making the sticks.
Specialists use bamboo stems of various sizes and diameters. The deeper the tissues and muscles are worked out, the bigger they are. Thai massage, Shiatsu, Ayurveda, and lymphatic drainage are all combined in a massage with bamboo sticks.
The massage begins with the use of a body oil or moisturizer. The master then begins to use small diameter sticks to do acupressure, activating biologically active spots in our bodies. Vibration and pressure are used in this approach, which uses sticks with a larger diameter. As a result you have 1.5 cm loss at the hips and 1 cm loss at the waist.
Anticellulite massage

Sometimes the problem is not excess weight, but orange-peel-skin due to uneven distribution of fat. Anti-cellulite massage, which can be of several types, helps to solve this problem.
Manual is considered quite effective, since the specialist selects the technique and degree of pressure on the skin individually. He can also offer anti-cellulite honey massage to enhance the warming effect.
Cupping vacuum massage is considered gentle and painless. For its implementation, rubber cans are used, which are placed pointwise on the body. The session lasts 10-15 minutes, after which the banks are removed. The advantage of this technique is that it can be used at home.
As a result your lymph flow improves, cell regeneration occurs, metabolic processes are normalized. Thanks to anti-cellulite massage, excess fat deposits are released, which means a reduction in body volume.
Massage isn’t a magic pill for every body flaws. Specialists not vainly recommend combining massage and other cosmetic operations with physical exercise. Thus you will not only get the desired result, but also maintain it over time. It is not required to choose high-intensity workouts for this, but rather moderate-intensity exercises like long walks, pilates, yoga, stretching, traditional morning exercises, or water aerobics.
The excretion of metabolic metabolites generated during fat breakdown is stimulated only with an integrated method. As a result, combining massage with physical activity can help you achieve your goal much faster!
Lie and lose weight: is it possible to lose extra pounds with massage?
Lie and lose weight: is it possible to lose extra pounds with massage?
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