Motivation & Perception

Motivation & Perception

Showing 15 of 379 Results

Accomplish Your Dreams (Part 17)

To Accomplish Your Dreams, you need to start work with strong determination. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single footstep. There is no substitute for hard work. All men dream; but not equally, their priorities may be different from individual to individual. Even in a single family, two brothers, or two sisters, wife or husband, say two […]

Accomplish Your Dreams (Part 16)

To Accomplish Your Dreams, you will have to understand that difficulties are stepping stones to success. Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body. No horse gets anywhere till he is harnessed. No steam or gas ever drives anything until it is confined. No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled. No life ever […]

Accomplish Your Dreams (Part 15)

To Accomplish Your Dreams, you need to visualize about your intentions whether that is a good job, good income, good house, good society, good infrastructure, good banking, good insurance plans, your spirituality acts and anything you understand to be good for you, because imagination is more important than knowledge. You need to draft out the strategy to achieve them, you […]

Accomplish Your Dreams (Part 9)

With the advancement of civilization, we have developed Monetary Systems for payment for the services and products a person needs. Not only for your dreams, even for your basic needs, you may have to put in some efforts for earning some monetary value to exchange. How would you earn monetary value? For that, you need to involve yourself in some […]

Accomplish Your Dreams (Part 8)

To Accomplish Your Dreams, you need to carry on the policy of Give And Take. Our needs have increased so drastically that we can not meet them alone, we need to take help from other people. Some of us produce something, render services, facilitate something and we get those products and services after we pay for their values. Similarly, we […]

Accomplish Your Dreams (Part 7)

To Accomplish Your Dreams, you need to motivate your surroundings too towards your target, apart from your own working. For example, you are a married person and intend to lead a good family set up. You need to work things out to make your family environment conducive to your targets. You must keep your relationship away from hitting the rocks […]

Accomplish Your Dreams (Part 6)

  To Accomplish Your Dreams, the only thing that determines how you start with regards to your goals are the steps that you take towards them. After drawing out your targets, you need to take action for their accomplishment seriously because without taking the necessary action, it is certain that nothing is going to happen miraculously. If you truly want […]

Accomplish Your Dreams (Part 5)

When you wish to accomplish your dreams, persistence is a quality you must adore. It is an essential factor for your success. The most wonderful, yet at the same time frustrating things in life is that we can’t predict our success in something. Sure we can plan and do the necessary research to raise our chances of success. However, when […]