Living A Full, Vibrant Life With A Type 1 Diabetes Diet

Living A Full, Vibrant Life With A Type 1 Diabetes Diet : People with Type 1 diabetes are constantly looking for new ways to improve their lives. Whether it be an improved exercise regimen or a healthier diet, these individuals struggle daily to control their blood glucose levels. There is no doubt that options are available.

But, many of these options come with a lot of fluff. Some even guarantee cures but fail miserably. If you are a diabetic or know someone who is, you know there are lots of snake oil salesmen on the World Wide Web making false cure promises.

With this said, one of the best options you will ever come across is a Type I diabetic diet. What does this entail? Find the answer in the article below.


Minimize Your Insulin Need

Like most people, diabetics like to mix up their diets from one day to the next. While this works great for healthy people, diabetics must monitor their diet carefully. They must avoid consuming too many carbohydrates, including sugar, dietary fiber, and starches. All of these foods are known for having negative effects on blood glucose levels.

While oatmeal contains carbohydrates, it has been deemed safe for people with diabetes. One cup of prepared oatmeal has about 30 grams of carbohydrates. This is the ideal amount to add to a new diabetic diet plan.

Cooked oatmeal is believed to help improve blood sugar levels by minimizing insulin needs. What this means is pure, cooked oatmeal might decrease your insulin need. If you eat oatmeal regularly, you could very well reduce your insulin dose. But, only under the supervision of a medical professional.


Staying On Track

Many medical experts describe lentils as “smart legumes” because they contain a mixture of insoluble and soluble dietary fiber. Both forms of dietary fiber bypass the system and go directly to the intestines where it binds with cholesterol. For this reason, insoluble dietary fiber is believed to help diabetics manage their blood glucose levels better.

Lentils are ranked as “low glycemic index” foods, which means they may reduce blood glucose levels when eaten regularly. Medical professionals recommend lentils to their diabetic patients because they can help prevent increasing blood glucose levels.

If you are struggling to maintain optimal blood sugar levels, you should definitely consider incorporating lentils into your diabetic diet. If you decide to go this route, you should speak with your primary care physician in advance. Your physician will recommend close monitoring of your blood glucose level to determine the effectiveness of the oatmeal. Those who are not covered under a health care insurance policy should purchase Canadian insulin, which is available at a fraction of American prices.


Rich In Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Type 1 diabetes has been linked to inflammation. In fact, some medical experts believe inflammation leads to Type I diabetes when the cells responsible for producing insulin are damaged. Regardless of the cause, your diabetes diagnosis has taken a toll on your body.

Fish and other foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids contain properties that fight against inflammation. Not only is it believed that these fatty acids can improve your blood glucose levels but they also may reduce the risks of diabetes.

Children with a family history of diabetes should eat the recommended amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Seafood, such as fish, oysters, tofu, and sardines contain omega-3 fatty acids.


Stay Hydrated While Managing Your Blood Glucose Levels

Most diabetics will agree that managing blood sugar levels is an extremely difficult, ongoing task. With this said, diabetics who drink the recommended amount of water daily find this task easier. While there is no way to make your Type I diabetes go away, water can minimize your blood glucose management effort. How is this possible?

Well, first of all, water is believed to flush excess glucose out of the system through the kidneys. By removing excess glucose from your body, you will find it much easier to maintain optimal blood sugar levels.

The recommended amount of water for women with diabetes to consume at least nine cups of water per day. Diabetic males, on the other hand, should consume four additional cups of water each day. In total, diabetic males should consume 3 liters and diabetic females 2.2 liters of water daily.




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Living A Full, Vibrant Life With A Type 1 Diabetes Diet

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