Understanding Men

Understanding Men

Showing 15 of 57 Results

How To Turn Your Failing Marriage Around?

How To Turn Your Failing Marriage Around? Marriage problems are stressful. You’ve made a commitment and given a share in your life to your partner – it’s natural to feel like you don’t want to just cast that aside. You might be wondering if there’s anything that can be done to save your marriage. Even if you’re feeling disheartened and doubting […]

Things to get your Man for his Birthday

Things to get your Man for his Birthday : Wallet, ties, sporty stuff have always been staples when it comes to gifting your boyfriend. But is this what your man actually wants? Undoubtedly, these dude-gift staples are great, but then a stage comes when you would have already gifted all these universal gifts and are left perplexed thinking what to gift […]

Things to Know about Dating an Independent Man

Things to Know about Dating an Independent Man : Let’s face it: independent men drive us, women, wild. Often, it feels like love at first sight. His rugged spirit and dogged determinism are more than enough to sweep you off your feet. Combine those qualities with the emotional maturity, responsible nature, and manly aura needed to get things done in […]

Awkward Thoughts You Have When Going Through Your Husband’s Phone

Awkward Thoughts You Have When Going Through Your Husband’s Phone : Every woman goes through her partner’s phone at least once a week, whether she is jealous or not. Don’t tell me you’ve never done it! Creeping through your husband’s phone is a bad habit, but why not? Maybe he goes through your phone while you are taking a shower […]

Should You Go on a Second Date?

Should You Go on a Second Date? There are a few important things you should consider before going on a second date. While it’s crucial to give your date a second chance, you can easily save yourself a lot of trouble and time if you know it’s best to start looking for another guy. You don’t want to be on […]

Reasons Why Men in 30’s Cheat

Reasons Why Men in 30’s Cheat : Infidelity is increasing at an alarming rate. Statistically, men are more prone to cheating than women and it’s estimated that up to 60% of all married individuals will engage in some form of infidelity at some point in their marriage. The question is, “Why?” Why do men cheat? Well, there may be a […]

Best Things That Come Out of Bad Dates

Best Things That Come Out of Bad Dates : “You have to kiss a few frogs before you meet Prince Charming,” I’m sure you’ve already heard this saying. If you’ve had a few bad dates and you feel deflated, you should certainly take a look at some good things that come out of bad dates, which will help you boost […]

Celebrate Your Man’s Birthday

Stumped on how to make your partner’s birthday special? You are not alone since my husband’s birthday is less than a week away and I have been thinking about how to make this day special. Each birthday is worth celebrating and if it’s a birthday of the person you love, you will do anything possible to make this day unforgettable. […]

Reasons Why Men Prefer Not to Wear Wedding Ring

Meredith was out to lunch with colleagues when she ran into her husband Andrew, who was also with colleagues. They did a quick introduction around the circle, but as he leaned in to tell her he’d see her at home, she saw. She panicked. He wasn’t wearing his wedding ring!

Male Body Language Flirting Signs

Male Body Language Flirting Signs: Body language, especially when flirting, is something that many of us have a problem reading. There are body language flirting signs guys unconsciously give that you should look out for. Have you ever been flirting with a man and think that he’s into you, only to figure out he is actually not? Well, I have […]