Massage Therapist Burnaby Tips on Self-Massage : Most of the employees today work on computers. That means easier and more comfortable finishing of working tasks, but also numerous health problems due to prolonged sitting and spending time at unfavorable positions for the spine. The price of this lifestyle is high – people suffer frequent headaches, back and leg pain, neck stiffness, nerve inclination, etc.
Massage can save you from these unpleasant feelings. However, due to a lack of time or money, most people cannot afford this. The good news is that you don’t always need a professional massage therapist. You can massage your back and neck whenever you have the chance.
Be Careful with Neck Area
Due to improper posture, uncomfortable chairs, and general physical inactivity, muscles and skeleton suffer a lot of pressure during prolonged sitting or standing. In the neck area, these symptoms can lead to a decrease in blood flow to the brain, intense headaches, muscle inflammation, and pain that can occur even with the simplest of movements.
The neck massage procedure is essential not only for providing immediate relief, but also a good posture and overall wellbeing. Regular massage of the neck and upper chest has numerous health benefits, but only if performed correctly. Too much pressure or rubbing the wrong spot can cause you to feel even worse.
The rule of a thumb is to be relaxed during the massage, especially the shoulder. That’s why it’s best to stretch before self-massage. Press your chin against your chest, and with three fingers, compress the spot where your neck and shoulders meet.
Rub that area about two inches in diameter. The stiffer your neck is, the more you have to press (try not to be too rough). As tension in muscles loosens, so do you reduce the pressure of your fingers to the painful spot.
Stress Relief Technique
People sometimes rub their temples when they have a headache or when they’re nervous. While this is often an unconscious movement, these are actually targeted places to act when stressed. In fact, the head massage is very useful in relieving stress.
Below, see more tips on how to cope with everyday stress:
Better blood flow results in better oxygen exchange through the body and relieves tension in the muscles. Start from the scalp to the neck. You can massage the scalp by gently tapping with your fingertips.
Gently grasp the spot where the neck begins, precisely, the two major vessels, with your thumb and forefinger, and pull up and down. You’ll probably feel lumps here – it’s the lactic acid that has accumulated due to inflammation of the neck muscles. It is what causes neck pain and tension, and the goal is to break those lumps.
Then cross over to the face, starting at the temples. Rub them with soothing, circular motions. Next, follow the sinus line by gently pulling the middle fingers from the root of the nose, under the eye, and finally above the eyebrows. This boosts the drainage of sinuses.
DIY Face Lift
The consequences of stress and poor life habits are visible on your face. Often, people unconsciously make grimaces that can cause wrinkles or small cracks on the facial skin. Also, straining your eyes in front of a computer monitor can create lines below and in the corner of your eyes that make you look older.
While professional facelift treatments cost a few hundred dollars, a DIY facial massage, as suggested in this link, costs you nothing and only takes a few minutes. If you combine it with anti-age products or essential oils (avocado or jojoba, see here why these ingredients are beneficial), the results are excellent.
First, it is necessary to break the tension points – jaws overlap, the root of the nose, the temples, and the area above the upper lip. You will do this with gentle circular motions. Then there is a need to improve circulation in places where the skin looses. These are areas under the chin, around the eyes, cheeks, and forehead. With two fingers, cross over the face lines, and pull the skin up and to the side.
You can do self-massage at any time of the day whenever you feel the need. It will wake you up in the morning and give you energy; in the evening, it will relax you and prepare you for the night. During the day, self-massage will make it easier for you to perform work tasks and daily activities.
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Massage Therapist Burnaby Tips on Self-Massage
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