Medical insurance is a one kind of insurance which covers all your bills and expenses during a medical emergency and treatments. It could lower your burden of finances during your tough times. In today’s world, it’s really important for a person to be medically insured. But before diving into the details of medical insurance, let’s see why a person needs to be medically insured.
Why do we need medical insurance?
As we all know, we don’t know when we are getting ill or getting a certain disease.
Especially for women, we may face different health issues at different stages of our lives. From the age of 20, they may be exposed to gynecological diseases. When they start to form a family, they may have worries about pregnancy, and deadly dangerous diseases such as cervical cancer and breast cancer. According to, an estimated 341,831 women died from cervical cancer worldwide in 2020. And from the American Cancer Society, we know that Breast cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death in women after Lung Cancer.
Sadly, some of us don’t even have the required emergency fund during a medical emergency. Here comes the role of medical insurance which covers our medical expenses like hospital bills, doctor’s consultation charges and other medical charges etc.
Now, you can see why we need to get insured, let’s see how to choose the best medical plan for us.
How to choose the best medical plan?
Now, what a common person does is she will go to an agent who will buy her a plan. But since now we are in the age of the internet, people like us don’t need to go to any agent right now, we are here for you to advise you the best medical plans out there. Here we go:
Points to remember while buying any medical plan:
- Is the protection enough?
Bigger the number of illnesses and critical illnesses covered isn’t always better. It is important that the most common illnesses are protected.
You should refer to for the benefits and coverage of different insurance companies and this will help you to compare two or more policies and this will help you to choose the better one. Make sure the policy does not limit you to certain hospitals or clinics for treatment so you could get the most appropriate treatments and claim smoothly.
- The amount of premium, is it affordable for you?
Of course, when you get insured online, you have already saved the commission for the insurance agent. But you also have to think of the affordability.
- Is the protection enough?
So, from today’s article, we understand why it is important for us to be medically insured as we all have a family and no one wants to face any casualty because they have a family to look after and take care of. And in these types of situations, medical insurance comes in with a great help.
In today’s world, medical insurance is not an option but a basic necessity. And if you have a family with children, then it’s your duty to insure all of the members of your family whether you can get medical insurance for yourself (so they won’t have to pay for your medical cost) or you can protect your whole family with a single policy, this is up to you.
But the objective is to make you aware about the importance of medical insurance.
So, here I am gonna wrap up today’s article. I hope I was able to add some values and make you more aware about today’s topic. So, this was all from my side, I’ll be back next time with another article.