Natural Ways to Get Rid of White Spots on Skin : If having a simple pimple breakout can make you feel uncomfortable, having white spots on your skin can be a bit more stressful. This condition that is also called vitigo is more serious and it needs immediate attention. But you should take note that white spots are not really contagious. The effect is mostly anxiety and stress that is brought by the embarrassment that we think goes with it.
There are different causes that can be connected to vitigo. Most people who have it attribute it to family history. This is a disorder that manifests when the immune system attacks the melanocytes. For people who are exposed to industrial chemicals because of their job, they can also be at risk for this.
If you are experiencing this problem, you should know that there are different ways on how you can deal with it. You can also consider the natural ways to Get Rid of White Spots on Skin that includes the following:
Mustard Oil with Turmeric
For this solution, you will need 250 ml mustart oil and 5 teaspoons of turmeric powder. Prepare the two ingredients and follow these steps to create the formula:
- Mix the turmeric powder and the mustard oil.
- Apply the solution directly to the area where there are white spots and leave it for few hours.
The remaining oil can be stored for future use. This is one of the best remedies that you can use at home.
Coconut Oil
Before you start looking for coconut oil for your vitiligo, you should be reminded that it would be more effective if you are going to use a product that is pure and unfiltered. There are also those that do not contain bleach. These are the most effective and the right kind of coconut that you should be using. You can use the cold pressing method that does not require you to use heat The healthy fats that are contained in coconut can help you. There are two ways on how you can use virgin coconut oil.
- Oral consumption – Since virgin coconut oil is a healthy saturated fat, you can trust that it can be easily broken down during the process of digestion.
- External application – It can be used to moisturize and protect the skin. It can also be a great soothing element for inflammation.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is known to be very helpful in maintaining the skin. Firstly, you can use it to treat inflammation and roughness. But did you know that it can also be used to treat vitiligo? It contains healing properties and it also has different nutrients that can help you in eliminating the white spots in your skin. Aside from that, it also keeps it hydrated. Aside from vitiligo, aloe vera can also be used in curing hyperpigmentation. If you want to maintain a healthy skin, you can use this product with an acne body wash if you are having breakouts.
Red Clay
Red clay is also known as Moroccan red clay. This is a special type of clay that is available in Morocco for many centuries now. It is a great treatment for some skin conditions including vitiligo due to its high copper content that can help in gaining back the pigmentation of the skin. To effectively use it, you will need 1 tablespoon of ginger juice, 2 tablespoon of red clay and a non metal bowl and spoon. After preparing all the things that you need, here is a procedure that you need to follow:
- Put the two ingredients in a non-metal bowl and mix. Make sure to use non-metal materials because copper reacts when placed in a metal.
- Apply it to the affected areas and leave it for 10 minutes.
- Rinse off using cold water and use moisturizer.
You can use this solution daily and you will be able to see a great result.
Ginger is one of the most powerful vegetables that you will find in your kitchen not only for its flavor that can make every dish mouth watering but also for its effect to the body. The distinct flavor of ginger juice can be a great inflammatory and also works as an anti-bacterial solution. It can also be used to cure vitiligo. You can just apply it to the affected area together with other ingredients like red clay.
There are a lot of home remedies that can help you treat vitiligo and one of it is the use of copper. You can use any copper utensil to have copper water. All you need to do is to put fresh water in a copper utensil and allow it to absorb the copper ions. It would be better if you are going to leave it overnight. Drink the water that is infused with copper ion during the morning. This will help you eliminate the patches of vertigo in your skin by helping in increasing the production of melanin in the body.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. You will find it as one of the ingredients of most hair care and skin products. With its anti-inflammatory property, you can use it to for vitiligo. But you need to make sure that you are also considering getting help that will enhance your immune system.
These different remedies that you can do at home are very important. However, you also need to make sure that you are considering important measures to keep you have a healthier body.
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