Effective Ways to Remove Ingrown Hair Permanently : As ingrown hair grows backward, it is difficult to deal with the hair. In fact, most people face the problem of red bumps and inflammation due to ingrown hair. You can get rid of ingrown hair with various methods. Natural ways and hair removal creams can also help you to deal with ingrown hair. Hair removal cream by Dermology is great for hair removal. Listed are some ways to remove ingrown hair permanently.
Exfoliation can help
When hair follicles are clogged with dead skin, it causes ingrown hair. Regular exfoliation not only helps to remove the dead skin cells but also works on the pores of the skin. Exfoliation also prevents build up of dead skin cells and that prevents ingrown hair.
You can use any exfoliate on the area of ingrown hair and remove the hair with the help of tweezers. You can also use homemade exfoliates like sugar and oatmeal on the affected area. Exfoliation can help to deal with ingrown hair in a great way.
Apply a warm cloth
Do you know that warm cloth can soothe the skin gently and open the skin pores? Well, this actually helps to bring the ingrown hair to the surface of the skin. You can apply a warm cloth to the affected area and use tweezers for hair removal. But, the cloth that you use should be warm and not hot or else it can also burn your skin. You need to be careful with this process.
Use tweezers
You can simply remove the ingrown hair with a sterilized needle or tweezers. There are special tweezers that are available for this purpose. You can use the tweezers if the area is not too sensitive. If your skin is sensitive, then you need to be careful. Pulling the hair out from sensitive skin can cause redness and inflammation. If there is inflammation, you can apply a moisturizer after removal of ingrown hair.
Hair removal creams
Most people opt for shaving to remove ingrown hair. But, shaving is not a foolproof way to remove an ingrown hair permanently. Instead, you can use natural hair removal creams. Hair removal cream by Dermology not only helps to remove ingrown hair but also prevents hair growth. It has no side effect on your skin and it makes your skin soft and smooth.
Moisturize the area properly
Do you know that dryness is one cause for an ingrown hair growth? You heard that right. Lack of proper moisturize makes the skin dry and that causes the condition of ingrown hair at most times. It’s important to moisturize the affected area on a daily basis. Moisturizing affects your skin to make your skin soft.
This not only prevents the condition of ingrown hair but also keeps your skin hydrated. You can apply a moisturizer that is best suited to your skin. You can also apply honey to the affected area as it helps to hydrate your skin gently. This will help to remove your ingrown hair without an issue.
Melissa Mellie is a skincare expert by profession. She loves to share her knowledge and experience with people. She regularly contributes her write ups to health or skin care related websites and blogs. In her free time she loves to travel, fashion shows and music.
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