Navigating the physician loan process to streamline your loan application can definitely be challenging. The biggest challenge comes from getting all of your finances in order.
One of the downsides to starting out on the journey of being a physician is that when you first graduate from medical school, your debt-to-income ratio won’t be suitable for a mortgage.
The great thing about it, however, is that you’ll be earning a substantial income and making more money than the average worker in the United States in pretty short order.
This creates a unique and challenging situation for physicians who want to become homebuyers.
Oftentimes, doctors can afford to buy homes—but their debt-to-income ratio and credit don’t look good enough to capitalize on the loan application.
And this can keep them from being able to qualify for traditional home loans that they could actually afford pretty easily.
To counter this problem, some lenders have created physician loan mortgage products. These loans, sometimes called doctor loans, make it easier for physicians to purchase a home.
So let’s talk about some steps you can take to navigate this process and streamline it for maximum efficiency.
Get Your Paperwork Sorted Out
As with any home-buying process, you’re going to want to get your paperwork sorted out.
Make sure that you have all of your financial statements ready, and make sure that you already have a medical contract in place.
Having a medical contract in place is generally part of the process of being approved for a doctor’s mortgage.
You’ll also obviously want to have your ID sorted out, as well as documentation of your existing debt and income.
Take Stock Of Your Income
Even if you don’t make as much right now as you will over the next few years, and/or even if your income has been lower due to being in medical school, you should still make sure to gather your tax returns from the last few years before turning in the loan application.
This will just make the process that much easier.
If you plan to make a down payment, then you should also be getting that money together as well.
One of the best things about physician mortgage loans is that they usually don’t require a down payment. But making one can still be massively beneficial, as it can save you a lot of money in interest down the road.
Shop Around For Lenders Who Specialize In Physician Loans
Not all lenders carry physician loan programs, and not all physician loan programs are equal. Shopping around to find the best deal for you will yield much better results and ensure that you get the best interest rates and loan terms to set you up for a profitable future.
Need some help with this step? Take a look at this list of the best physician mortgage lenders of 2023 to begin your search. Choosing one of these lenders is highly likely to bring you a positive result.
Don’t Authorize The Credit Check Until You See Some Numbers
Once a lender runs your credit, your credit score will take a small hit.
This may not seem like a big deal, but it can become surprisingly problematic if it happens multiple times.
In order to avoid this problem, make sure that you familiarize yourself with the terms of the physician loan before you authorize the credit check.
Some lenders may act a little bit shady about this. So avoid those types of lenders. At the very least, a good lender should be able to show you basic interest rates, terms, etc.
Be Patient And Make Wise Choices
At the end of the day, being patient can sometimes pay big dividends for your future.
For example, even with a physician loan, you may realize that in your specific situation, it may be beneficial to wait for a year, file a new tax return, and report your higher income to get a better deal on a mortgage.
The housing market can also play into this.
Sometimes, it’s better to wait for a season until the market shifts and changes.
There you have it.
Our five favorite tips for navigating the physician loan process quickly, easily, and in the most streamlined manner possible.
Equipped with this information, you’re now ready to get out there and become a homeowner.
Congratulations, you’ve earned it.
Now get out there and make it happen.
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