Personal Post Pregnancy Complications You Should Be Aware Of

Personal Post Pregnancy Complications You Should Be Aware Of : There are so many things new moms should know about the post-pregnancy period. But then again, if we knew the realities of the postpartum phase, there may not be as many children in this world.

Post-pregnancy is a time when all pretenses are shed. Regardless of who you are or how you gave birth, you are in a full state of recovery. Birthing is always traumatic to the body.

But sometimes, there are some issues present in the post-pregnancy time that need to be addressed.

So, how do you know what’s normal and what’s an emergency?

Let’s explore.

Here are some post-pregnancy complications you should know about :

  • Fever

    You can expect that you’re not going to be feeling quite yourself after birth. But if you’re feeling feverish, take your temperature. Any fever over 100.4 Fahrenheit at this time requires medical attention because many types of birth injuries present with a fever.

  • Pain or burning when you urinate

    Especially if there has been some tearing, urinating is going to be uncomfortable for a while. But if it feels especially painful, talk to your doctor. You may have a urinary tract infection or a kidney infection. If your discomfort comes with lower back pain, it’s likely to be a kidney infection, and you should seek treatment as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the worse it will be.

  • Symptoms of sepsis

    This isn’t to scare you, but after birth, you may be more susceptible to infection. And if that infection spreads quickly, it could turn septic. This means that the infection is spreading to your internal organs. This is a very serious and life-threatening condition, so take it seriously.

    Look for the following symptoms:
    – Fever
    – Chills
    – Clammy or sweaty skin
    – Quick heart rate
    – Fast breathing
    – Confusion
    – Extreme pain or discomfort

  • Vision changes, headaches, swelling, pain in the shoulder

    These symptoms could be a sign of postpartum preeclampsia. This is a form of high blood pressure that can escalate quickly and become very serious. You would be at greater risk if you had high blood pressure during pregnancy. You should know that these symptoms are signs that your organs may not be working properly. Get to your doctor ASAP.

  • Extremely heavy bleeding after giving birth

    If the bleeding you’re experiencing is much greater than the flow of your regular period, you may have what’s called postpartum hemorrhage (PHH). PHH may present anywhere until 12 weeks after birth.

  • Depression, apathy or hopelessness

    Postpartum depression (PPD) and related disorders are becoming increasingly common after childbirth, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. If you aren’t feeling a connection with your child or are otherwise sad or anxious (more than normal) then you may be dealing with some form of PPD.

    If you’re just not feeling yourself for ten days or more after giving birth, talk to your doctor. You may have PPD or PPA (postpartum anxiety).


After giving birth, it can be difficult to discern what’s normal and what a medical issue is. But if you have any questions, talk to your doctor. It’s better to be safe because many of these conditions require swift action.

But these conditions aren’t something to stress about if you’re feeling fine. You have enough to handle in the post-pregnancy time that you don’t have to worry unnecessarily.

Just stay attuned to your body and speak up if something doesn’t feel right.





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Personal Post Pregnancy Complications You Should Be Aware Of

complications after giving birth, leg pain after pregnancy, lower abdominal pain after giving birth, after birth pains one week later, signs of infection after birth, uterine infection after birth, health problems after normal delivery, 3 months postpartum abdominal pain,