Post Holiday Workouts To Start the New Year Right

Post Holiday Workouts To Start the New Year Right : Whether you want to admit it or not, you gave in to your cravings this holiday season, as anyone would. That’s all well and good, but now, you’re concerned about your figure once again as you very well should. So in this article, let me help you get settled into a post-holiday workout that is both fun and forgiving, that can rev up your engine to a fitter and better you.

  1. Start slowly.

    Don’t go all out on day one. Nobody expects you to. There are a lot of things you must accomplish before going back to your fitness regimen. Ease your way into it. Develop the habit first before going all out. A way for you to stop your belly from growing is by first being conscious of what you eat and include additional movement or a few mobility exercises like stretching to get you started.

  2. Go for longer walks.

    If you want to do a little bit more than stretching, then I suggest you start going on longer walks at home or within your neighborhood. If you live close to a nearby park, then that’s better since you’re going to get some fresh air as you walk, too. Just be sure to wear a good face mask since the Coronavirus is still present despite the current breakthroughs in terms of vaccines.

  3. Do some yoga exercises.

    Yoga is perfect for anyone who wants to start their fitness journey. Yoga has exercises for everyone regardless of where they are in life, their age, and their time for exercising. It’s forgiving for beginners and can be challenging for those adept in some of its practices, too. Basically, yoga is pretty much the best habit you can pick up on in 2021 for you to have a sound body and mind.

  4. Engage your entire body with short but sweet HIIT workouts

    Once you find your groove, it’s time to strut your stuff and wear that beautiful tie headband you’ve been meaning to don for a few months now and get serious with high-intensity interval training. HIIT workouts are meant to be whole-body workouts that focus on giving you exactly what your body needs at the fraction of the time. You can sweat like crazy with only 30 minutes of HIIT no matter your fitness level. The best part is that you don’t need to go to the gym to get shredded with a HIIT workout. You can combine this with your favorite routine for a total body workout that’s perfect to get rid of the holiday belly you’ve been nursing for quite a while.

  5. Make time for bodyweight exercises.

    Aside from HIIT or yoga, you can also do a few bodyweight exercises if you’re really pressed for time. Do a few squats, push-ups, pull-ups, or planks for at least 5 minutes each and you’re at least 1% better than you were in the previous day. Every good thing counts, as much as every bad thing stifles your progress little by little. So it’s important to get the right habits in.

  6. If you have the equipment, don’t hesitate to do some strength training routines.

    Some people who are living with their fitness-buff partners are lucky to have a few strength training pieces of equipment in their homes. If you are one of them, consider trying out some strength training exercises to burn calories on a regular basis. You can ask your partner or your friend for help, or just check this article out if you want to find more information on how to start this endeavor. A word of advice, don’t get intimidated by the ripped guys and the big barbells at first. You’re not expected to be able to lift them outright, but it’s not impossible.

  7. Practice your favorite sport with a partner or friend.

    Working out is best if you have a partner with you to play with. It makes exercising easier and much less tiring since you are having fun. In fact, if you can play volleyball or doubles tennis or badminton, you can start a neighborhood competition where everyone can benefit from a good workout, too. You can host and ask everyone to pitch in if you want.


Working out shouldn’t feel like a chore. It should be an endeavor close to your heart since it would technically keep you in shape. However, if you don’t stop your holiday eating habits, then no matter how much you sweat, you won’t be able to catch up with the number of calories you’re eating up in a day






Post Holiday Workouts To Start the New Year Right

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