Preparing For Alcohol Rehab: 7 Things You Need To Know

Preparing For Alcohol Rehab: 7 Things You Need To Know : Alcohol addiction and abuse have been rampant these days and are one of the struggles faced by many, especially this pandemic season.

When you struggle with alcohol dependence and abuse, it’ll interfere with your daily life and mess up your mood and behavior. It’ll also leave some effects on the body, leading to possible illnesses like high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, liver problem, and digestive problems when left untreated.

That being said, professionals advise that you seek medical help before it’s too late and you’ve reached the point of no return. Rehabilitation will help you be free from alcohol dependence through medical detox and counseling. These professionals are there to support you reach your goal of self-improvement and betterment.

If you have a family member who is an alcoholic, or you are struggling with this dilemma yourself and are planning to get treated, here are the seven things you need to know as you prepare yourself for alcohol rehab.

  1. Find A Suitable Rehabilitation Center

    When you decide to seek help from professionals and go through the addiction treatment process, one of the steps you must take is to find a suitable rehabilitation center for yourself. Take note that when you undergo this treatment, it’ll not be a one-time event you’ll be attending but more of a process and a journey you’ll be experiencing for a couple of months, depending on your pace. Therefore, to achieve the best possible outcome, one of the crucial factors you need to consider is the comfort and ease you’re feeling towards your chosen rehabilitation center. This will help you fully trust the facility and ease your mind off of worries.

    You can get recommendations and feedback from friends and family members who have gone through the same process to help you find the best rehabilitation center for you. You can also do your research by checking the websites of the nearest rehabs in your area. Another tip is to join online groups with people who have undergone the same problems and ask them for referrals and feedback.

  2. Schedule An Entry Date Enough For You To Prepare

    As soon as you’ve picked your choice from the lists of rehabilitation centers you’ve been choosing, the next big step is to sign up and set your entry schedule.

    As mentioned earlier, the treatment usually takes more or less six months; therefore, you must allow yourself enough time to prepare and settle everything before leaving everything behind.

  3. Understand That The Rehab Process Will Help You Be Better

    One of the best things in fully recovering and achieving the best possible outcome of the treatment is your confidence and trust that this process will do you good.

    The facility and the professionals are there to act as your support system. All they desire to do is help you in your quest for betterment. Therefore, it’s crucial that you fully submit to the process and your support team. No matter how effective the method has been to others, it won’t be the same for you unless you fully devote yourself to it and believe that this will help you win your battle against alcoholism.

  4. Pack Your Essentials

    As you prepare yourself to enter the rehabilitation process, you also need to carefully pack your stuff so you won’t forget an essential item. However, keep in mind that you can’t bring everything with you. The facility usually has a list of allowed items inside the center. Therefore, please take note of them and follow the rules. It can also be helpful if you only bring the essentials with you. Don’t worry about what you’ll be leaving at home because they’ll be there when you come back.

    Here are a couple of essential items you will need while undergoing the process.

    • Government licensed ID
    • Any current prescription medications and insurance cards
    • List of important contact information
    • A credit or reloadable debit card
    • Comfortable, appropriate clothing
    • Grooming and hygiene products
    • Laundry supplies
  5. Address All Financials Beforehand

    You don’t want to go home with unsettled financial obligations. Therefore, you should settle them before leaving for rehab. You can always set your account to auto payment options. You can also ask a trusted friend or family member to make sure your bills are paid while you’re away.

  6. Take Care Of Work And Family Obligations

    Prior to entry, you must settle and delegate all obligations that’ll be left outside the facility.

    It’s normal to feel hesitant to tell others about your decision to get rehab, but having open communication with them will surely ease your worries.

    If you’re an employee, it’d be best to talk with your employer and explain that you’ll have to be gone for weeks to undergo a rehabilitation process. Any understanding boss would always understand and be happy to see you as a better person.

    If you’re a family man or are caring for an elderly in the family, make sure you ask a trusted and responsible friend to take care of your family while you’re away. Also, make sure they have everything they need like food and other expenses.

    Take Care Of Work And Family Obligations
    Take Care Of Work And Family Obligations
  7. Take Time To Relax Physically And Mentally

    Now that you have sorted out your responsibilities and obligations, it’s time to relax and give yourself enough time to collect yourself together and ease the anxiety of what is to come.

    Know that feeling anxious about the whole process is normal, especially if you’ve never tried counseling sessions or rehabs before. However, the first few days are always the hardest. But, as soon as you’ve passed through them, the remaining days and months will become easier for you.

    So, if you have any concerns or questions in mind, never hesitate to talk about them with someone from the facility. This way, they will be able to answer or somehow give an explanation to the questions lingering in your mind. Thus, freeing your mind from worries and stress.

    You can also do physical activities that you think can relax you. It could be taking a morning jog, going to a spa, or relaxing at home. These will help you boost your mood and reduce the level of anxiety and fear.


Indeed, deciding to get rehabilitated is one big step towards betterment. However, the preparation might be daunting and challenging, especially when you don’t know what to do.

One of the steps to start your journey is to find a suitable rehabilitation facility for you and sign up yourself on a schedule that gives you enough time to prepare things for when you’re away.

Sorting out your work, home, and financial obligations is a must, so you won’t worry about anything while the process starts. Lastly, give yourself a tap on the back and recognize this big step you’ve made.

Considering the seven ways above will indeed prepare you to get the help you need and become a better person!




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Preparing For Alcohol Rehab: 7 Things You Need To Know