Quick Guide To Reducing Computer Eye Stress

Quick Guide To Reducing Computer Eye Stress : If you work in an office, excessive screen time might be damaging your eye health. A recent study led by the University of Leeds has revealed that at least one in four UK adults now look at screens for 14 hours or more every day. With the likelihood of negative health implications increasing after just six hours of screen use a day, it’s important to limit exposure.

When you read small text on a screen for prolonged periods, you can cause strain on the muscles surrounding the eyes. So, if your career involves intense screen time, it’s crucial to protect your eyes.

How can you protect your eyes at work?

  • Get your eyes checked

    To keep tabs on the overall health and condition of your eyes, it’s a good idea to get them tested at least once every two years.

    When you visit an optician, your eyes will be checked for some of the most common vision problems. Once identified, refraction errors like short-sightedness and long-sightedness can be corrected with contact lenses or glasses, improving your vision immediately.

  • Adjust your setup

    Did you know that it’s possible to reduce strain on your eyes simply by changing your work setup? Office ergonomics contribute hugely to well-being and comfort at work.

    The healthiest distance between your eyes and the computer screen is between 20 and 24 inches, around an arm’s length. Avoid the temptation to bring your screen closer to your eyes and try to angle your screen between 10 and 15 degrees below eye level.

  • Prevent dry eyes

    Your eyes can become dry when looking at a screen for a long time as you blink less, especially if you wear contact lenses. To reduce the possibility of developing dry eyes, try not to use a fan on your desk. Avoid smoking or being near any smoke, since this could irritate your eyes further.

    If you’re comfortable doing so, you could also clean your eyes with eye drops.

  • Check your lighting

    You can make efforts where your computer monitor is concerned too. Aim to keep the brightness of your computer screen at a similar level to the lighting in your surroundings.

    If you work in an artificially lit office, try not to lower the brightness on your monitors too much. Similarly, if you’re working after sunset, make sure you turn up the lights in your office to avoid straining at a bright, contrasting screen.

  • Take regular breaks

    Too much screen time can cause eye strain and cause headaches and blurred vision.

    But being focused on one task for a long time – especially if you work from a computer – might have other consequences too. When you take a break, you should try to physically remove yourself from your office space or desk. When you return to your work, you’ll feel refreshed and might find it easier to focus.

If you have any urgent concerns about your eye health in relation to your working patterns, do not hesitate to contact your optician for more advice.





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