Reasons Not To Eat Fast Food

Reasons Not To Eat Fast Food : There is a new study out that seems to reinforce the points made in the Super Size Me documentary very well.

ABC News is reporting that those who live near fast-food restaurants are much more likely to have a stroke. Let’s face it, we’re all busy and having a fast food joint nearby is an easy temptation to give into. But as it turns out giving into that temptation may kill you, literally.

Reasons Not To Eat Fast Food

The numbers are really scary for as it turns out your chances of having a stroke go up one percent for every fast food restaurant in your area. How good are those fries now? Just wondering. It should come, as no shock that consume foods loaded down with fat and sodium is bad news.

But here are some additional facts to consider about fast food that most of us just don’t think of very often or at all. Fast food is rarely if ever organic because organic cost more and you’re stark raving mad if you think that the fast food mega-giant care more about your health than profits. They just want you coming back, period. This means that in addition to the food being high in fat and sodium its also has a nice assortment of pesticides and chemicals in it. Yum.

University tests show that organic food has more nutrition too, sometimes a lot more nutrition in fact. When you factor this into the equation fast food is not as cheap as it may seem. Also, the last time I checked hospital visits were pretty expensive too. Keep this in mind as well. The fast food that you are eating today is not the same fast food your parents were eating or even the same fast food you ate as a child.

There are ingredients and additives in today’s fast food that simply didn’t exist in our parent’s day. That burger your parents ate was mostly free of “weird stuff.” When I dumped the fast food I noticed a lot of interesting things happen. I started losing weight, my hair thickened up, I had less body aches and explained headaches and my periods were a little less painful. Now, I wasn’t even fully addicted to fast food, I just ate some every week.

There is no doubt in my mind that my health improved sharply once I stopped eating fast foods and switched over to a mostly organic diet. Go ahead and try it for a few weeks I doubt you will regret it.


Rosa Broughton, writer and editor

Rosa Broughton has been working with writing challenged clients for over two years. She provides writing and editing services. Her educational background in journalism has given her a broad base from which to approach many topics.





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Reasons Not To Eat Fast Food
Reasons Not To Eat Fast Food



Reasons Not To Eat Fast Food

why you shouldn’t eat fast food persuasive speech, reasons to eat fast food, why fast food is bad for you essay, why not to eat fast food persuasive speech, reasons why fast food is good for you, arguments for fast food, why fast food should be banned, why is fast food good for you,