Resolve Symptoms and Enjoy Better Overall Health & Wellness with Endometriosis Specialist in New York City

Resolve Symptoms and Enjoy Better Overall Health & Wellness with Endometriosis Specialist in New York City : Endometriosis is a prevalent cause of pelvic pain that often contributes to infertility. At Advanced Endometriosis Center with offices in New Jersey, Hackensack, and New York City, NY, Dr. Ulas Bozdogan and the Endometriosis specialists team utilize the latest treatment options for women struggling with endometriosis.

The comprehensive treatment approach utilizes both minimally-invasive and non-invasive techniques. To access complete relief from endometriosis symptoms and enjoy better general health and wellbeing, call Advanced Endometriosis Center or go online to schedule an appointment with an endometriosis specialist in Midtown West today.

What Is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a debilitating condition occurring once the endometrium tissue lining up the uterus starts growing outside the uterus, on the ovaries, bowel, or even the fallopian tubes. Under rare circumstances, the tissue growth might grow outside one’s abdominal area.

The tissue growth can vary in size and result in a wide range of symptoms, according to their size or location. Also, the rate at which the growth grows can vary from one individual to another and most commonly fluctuate with hormone level adjustments. The endometriosis condition mainly affects women in their childbearing years and usually stops them following menopause.

What Are The Most Common Symptoms Of Endometriosis?

Mild cases of endometriosis might cause no noticeable symptoms. Some people do not realize that they have the condition until they start experiencing problems conceiving. For other women, the symptoms of endometriosis may include one or more of the following, pelvic pain, infertility, unusual pain during bowel movements, extreme cramping before or during the period, blood in the bowels or urine, abnormal periods with spotting in some cases between cycles, vaginal bleeding after intercourse or pain, and lower back pain before or during Period.

In most women, the symptoms become extreme during their periods. Nonetheless, the extremity of your endometriosis pain might not be a reliable indicator of the extent of your condition. Mild cases might result in intense pain for some, whereas severe cases might produce absolutely no pain for others.

Some of the most confusing diseases for endometriosis are ovarian cysts, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and pelvic inflammatory disease. Endometriosis and IBS can develop simultaneously, making the diagnosis of either much more complex. So, if you realize any of the symptoms highlighted above, reach out to Dr. Bozdogan to examine your condition.

What Are The Available Endometriosis Treatments?

Currently, there is no cure for endometriosis, but some steps can be taken to manage your condition. Endometriosis treatment procedures will vary according to the extremity of symptoms and multiple other factors. Some women can enjoy relief from the symptoms and reduce the size of the growth through hormone replacement therapy. Fertility treatments such as IVF might also be necessary, and the providers at Advanced Endometriosis Center can use medications to manage your pain.

Overall, most women find relief from endometriosis by having the growths extracted. The surgical procedures are often conducted through minimally invasive techniques or by robotic-assisted surgery, utilizing the cutting-edge da Vinci surgical robot system. Once extracted, the growths can recur for some women. Thus, continuous doctor appointments are vital to effectively manage your symptoms, particularly for those women who wish to conceive.

That said, endometriosis can be quite challenging to manage, hence necessitating an early diagnosis to enhance your chances of enjoying a successful treatment. To get started, call the office of the Advanced Endometriosis Center near you or use the online booking tool to request an appointment.




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Resolve Symptoms and Enjoy Better Overall Health & Wellness with Endometriosis Specialist in New York City

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