Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

Are you looking for signs of an unhealthy relationship? You’ve got to the right place! We all want well-adjusted and healthy relationships, right? So, let’s explore some of the obvious signs of an unhealthy relationship so that you can know if you’re in one.

Obvious Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

1. You don’t trust each other

Do you trust your man when he goes out by himself? Do you read his emails? This is not a healthy relationship, ladies, this is actually an unhealthy relationship. You must be able to trust your partner and must be able to trust him not to cheat.

2. You take each other for granted

Another sign of an unhealthy relationship is that you are constantly taking your man for granted. Do you assume that your boyfriend is going to stay with you? Or do you assume that your boyfriend is going to pack your lunch daily? These little things can break up your relationship.

3. Constant fighting

Constant fighting is one of the clearest signs that you are in an unhealthy relationship. Sure, every relationship has its bumps (especially if you and your partner are living together), but if you are constantly fighting over the smallest things, that may not be a good relationship to be in. Keep in mind that the good times must always outweigh the bad times!

4. Constant insults

Does your boyfriend constantly put you down? If you constantly feel like you have to be on the defense, you are in an unhealthy relationship. Your partner should make you feel beautiful and he must never put you down. That might be a sign that you are in an emotionally abusive relationship.

5. Omissions of truth

Can you openly talk to your boyfriend? If not, this is another sign of an unhealthy relationship. Sure, you don’t necessarily have to tell your significant other everything, but you have to be pretty open with him.

6. Constant blaming

Are you constantly blaming your partner for everything? This is a warning sign you are in an unhealthy relationship. Ladies, your man is not the only person you should be blaming everything on.

7. Lack of communication

How often do you communicate with each other? Can you walk into a bedroom and not say anything at all to your significant other for a few hours? That’s not a relationship, ladies! Communication is a key part of any relationship.

8. Social isolation

If you completely isolate yourself from your friends and even your family you might be in an unhealthy relationship. You actually need your family and friends to survive. You also need other opinions besides your boyfriend’s. So, if your partner expects you to spend all your time only with him that is a sign to be careful!

What other signs of an unhealthy relationship have you noticed? Share your thoughts, please!


Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship