anxiety test

3 Results

Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety

Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety : If we talk about anxiety, it is a healthy emotion. If you feel anxiety and stress occasionally, there is no need to worry. On the other hand, if you get stressed on regular basis, it may become a major disorder for mental health. It can affect one’s thinking and decision-making capacity. Anxiety is very common […]

The Physical and Psychological Impacts of Anxiety

The Physical and Psychological Impacts of Anxiety : People feel anxiety for many reasons. Life can be difficult with problems at work or with a spouse. Just listening to the daily news can be stressful. But some people feel anxiety more strongly than others and they have trouble getting rid of that anxiety.

Managing Anxiety – The Lowdown on Struggling with Stress

Managing Anxiety – The Lowdown on Struggling with Stress : Everyone feels anxious or stressed sometimes. In fact, 55% of Americans report feeling so stressed on occasions that they are unable to cope with everyday life, according to the latest study from Gallup. Dealing with stress and anxiety can feel overwhelming, but the good news is that you are not alone – and there […]