
Showing 15 of 87 Results

Where Busy Women Should Seek Help

Superwoman is a fictional character; however, the name is not a misnomer for most real-life women. Women have many labels: mother, wife, business associate, caregiver, and more. A revolving list of duties lies within each category. Oftentimes, pride and desire to be all and do all prevent women from acknowledging the need for help. For the sake of health and […]

Amazingly Fun Valentine’s Day Activities for Children

Valentine’s Day is a wonderful holiday that is celebrated by lots of people all over the world. It has become a tradition to spend this romantic day with our sweethearts, give presents and express our love to each other. Do you know that kids are also looking forward to this fantastic holiday? They will be so happy to enjoy the […]

Things You Don’t Have to Change about Your Life

Most people are not satisfied with their life and wish that it were different. However, there are several things that you shouldn’t want to change in your life, things that you have to appreciate. Your family, traits, and past mistakes are all those small things that make you who you’re. While it’s okay to dream about a different life, don’t […]

Reasons to Start Your Own Business in 2015

There are many reasons to quit that 9 to 5 job and start your own business this year. Nowadays many people start their own home businesses and the main reason for that is money. However, it’s not all about money, it’s also about ‘being your own boss.’ Starting your own business means more freedom and more family time. I don’t […]

Healthy Ways to Celebrate This New Year

If you used to celebrate the New Year’s Eve drinking a lot of alcohol and then you wake up with a hangover and tell yourself that you’ll never drink alcohol again, it is time to start spending the New Year in much healthier way! No matter what people may think, you can really enjoy celebrating the New Year’s Eve and […]

Bright Ideas for Using Christmas Lights

Every year we use Christmas lights in the same way when the festive time is coming. We take them out of the boxes and string on the windows, porches and trees. Lots of tiny lights beautifully decorate our homes for a week or two and after we pack them carefully to wait for the next year. We repeat the same […]

Fun New Year’s Celebration Ideas for College Students

College is a wonderful time in a person’s life filled with drinking, socializing and the occasional evening spent studying. New Year’s Eve is one of the biggest celebrations of the year and the perfect excuse to head out and hit the bars. If you feel like doing something a little different this year, the following list gives 10 ideas on […]

Best Christmas Presents for Your Older Brother

If you have an older brother, you are really lucky since he is a good friend and he plays with you, protects you, and is always there for you every time you need him. I have an older brother and I know how it’s hard to choose a perfect Christmas present for him. However, when you have the list of […]

Best Christmas Presents for Your Older Sister

An older sister is a defender, listener, conspirator, sharer and counselor. Having an older sister is like having a good friend. Although it seems easier to buy a perfect Christmas gift for an older sister than for an older brother, sometimes it’s hard to choose the best present. Here are 8 best Christmas presents your older sister will definitely like.

In Pursuit of Smelling Love

Can you smell how attractive someone is by sniffing that person’s sweaty T-shirt? Well, maybe. It depends on which scientist you ask. It has become common for the mysteries of attraction to be chalked up to pheromones. Pheromones are chemicals that we, and other mammals, all vertebrates really, secrete that affect the behavior of other members of our species — not […]

Surprise Your Mom on Christmas

Let’s face it, our moms will take whatever we give them for Christmas with a happy smile, just as they have since we brought home our raggedy cutout snowflakes in first grade. The thing is, we’re grown up now and after so many Christmas celebrations together, we’ve run out of ideas that aren’t the same worn-out offerings to her: the […]

Fun Winter Activities for Singles

Winter Activities for Singles : Finding a fun activity to do as a single person can be a struggle during winter. Many activities seem to be aimed primarily at couples or families making it difficult for single people to get out and socialise during the holiday season. Below is the list of 10 Winter Activities for Singles and activities that […]

Remember to Save Your Relationship

One of the most difficult things in life is to keep the spark in relationship alive. During life you and your partner can experience emotional ups and downs. You should be ready to fight and express your emotions, because people aren’t perfect. Don’t be too hard on your boyfriend, because like all human beings, he can make mistakes and disappoint […]

Really Like to Have an Arranged Marriage

“It’s like falling in love each day with him.” Sandhya is 29-years-old and her husband, Ankur, is 31. Before they got married, she lived in India, he lived in America, and they met when Sandhya’s parents placed a newspaper ad (in the “matrimonial column”) looking for potential husbands for her. So your parents placed the ad? Sandhya: Yes. My dad, […]

Benefits of Being Single during the Holiday Season

The holiday season is approaching fast and you are still single and perhaps desperate. Did you know that there are a few wonderful benefits of being single during the holiday season? This year, embrace your independence and stop moping about not having a partner. Sure, you cannot snuggle with your significant other while it is cold or snowing outside and […]