
Showing 15 of 76 Results

Worst Online Dating Profile Mistakes Women Over 40 Commit

When you’re over 40, it’s difficult to meet a great man in real life. You believe online dating is your last hope, but all you face is a complete failure. Blatant men, con men, married men and guys who are younger than you are all trying to fool you, bring you down and make you think that you will never […]

The most effective way to flirt

It’s a story as old as time. Guy spots girl across the bar. Girl smiles coyly. Guy saunters over and asks if it hurt. Girl finishes the line, “When I fell from heaven? You bet.” Cue the laugh track.

Should You Go on a Second Date?

Should You Go on a Second Date? There are a few important things you should consider before going on a second date. While it’s crucial to give your date a second chance, you can easily save yourself a lot of trouble and time if you know it’s best to start looking for another guy. You don’t want to be on […]

Reasons Why Men in 30’s Cheat

Reasons Why Men in 30’s Cheat : Infidelity is increasing at an alarming rate. Statistically, men are more prone to cheating than women and it’s estimated that up to 60% of all married individuals will engage in some form of infidelity at some point in their marriage. The question is, “Why?” Why do men cheat? Well, there may be a […]

Best Things That Come Out of Bad Dates

Best Things That Come Out of Bad Dates : “You have to kiss a few frogs before you meet Prince Charming,” I’m sure you’ve already heard this saying. If you’ve had a few bad dates and you feel deflated, you should certainly take a look at some good things that come out of bad dates, which will help you boost […]

Dating Tips That Will Transform Your Love Life

Dating Tips That Will Transform Your Love Life : Real talk: Dating is sometimes harder than it should be. After countless dinners and drinks, it can be tempting to throw in the towel and resign to nights of forever watching Netflix alone in your bed. But when dating is done right, it can be amazing, and those great dates often […]

Ways to Find Your Love Before Valentine’s Day

As Valentine’s Day approaches most girls will be hosting and attending numerous parties or going out with their friends. If you are single and you find it difficult to find the right guy, you should definitely read this post! The point is that men that you do come into contact with might have looked the other way because of your […]

Enjoy Valentine’s Day on a Budget

Since Valentine’s Day is considered to be one of the most desirable and romantic holidays of the year, lots of people are looking forward to this great day. Surely, to celebrate this event we need some money. But if you can’t afford great expenses at the moment, it’s not the reason for you to get upset. There are so many […]

The Social Activity That Could Make You More Datable

If you’re in the market for a S.O., you might update your Tinder profile or make an effort to go out more often, but new research suggests you might want to take a different approach: voluntarily helping out friends, family, or neighbors. For the German study, published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, researchers combed through data from a […]

A Guy Reveals the First-Date Red Flags That Can Scare Dudes Away

Good-to-know info straight from the source. If you find yourself on a date with an upstanding guy (which I hope you do), then he’s probably doing more than switching his gaze between your face and your breasts and wondering if you two will be in bed in two hours. He’s actually listening to what you say and observing how your […]

Little Sweet Gestures to Make on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is all about love, so let’s don’t forget about people around us. It’s great to celebrate this holiday of love and romance with your sweetheart but it’s also wonderful to reach out to other people in your life. There are some little sweet gestures you can make on Valentine’s Day. Maybe you want to reach out to your […]

Amazing Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Be More Affectionate

Have you ever noticed that your boyfriend isn’t so much affectionate with you as before? Maybe there is some problem in your relationship which you should obviously focus on. In fact, you are not the only woman who faces such issue. Very often we can observe that our partners are completely involved in some activities and almost pay no attention […]

Things Men Find Attractive in a Woman

You know many things most men find attractive in a woman but do you know that there are a few absolutely weird things almost every man finds attractive in his woman? I must admit I didn’t know most of these strange things until I started working on this post. I’ve found the information for this post through some research and […]

Worst Flirting Moves

Many of the worst flirting moves are used in romance novels and romantic comedies. Unfortunately, the flirting moves used in the movies never actually work in our real life. Perhaps, you’ve noticed that in movies a woman can get the man by using a few worst flirting moves, however, you will not be as lucky as her. Here are ten […]