
Showing 15 of 19 Results

How Often You Should Aim to Have Sex with Your Partner

How Often You Should Aim to Have Sex with Your Partner : I have a habit that’s admittedly a little weird: I’m very aware of how often my husband Chris and I get busy. And by “aware,” I mean I totally keep track. I don’t mark it down in a calendar or anything, but I’m definitely on top of what […]

Awkward Thoughts You Have When Going Through Your Husband’s Phone

Awkward Thoughts You Have When Going Through Your Husband’s Phone : Every woman goes through her partner’s phone at least once a week, whether she is jealous or not. Don’t tell me you’ve never done it! Creeping through your husband’s phone is a bad habit, but why not? Maybe he goes through your phone while you are taking a shower […]

Habits That Will Simplify Your Life

There are a few certain habits that can really simplify your life. I believe simpler is better, and that’s why I’m doing my best to get rid of excess stuff in my life. Happiness lies in small, little things, so why make life so complicated? Simplicity reduces heaviness in your life and makes it happier and lighter. Here are ten […]

Grow Your Nails Fast

People see your face first, but that doesn’t mean your nails aren’t an important to first impressions. Beautiful nails should be healthy and polished. One of the best ways to make your nails look cleaner and prettier is to grow them long. They shouldn’t be so long that they get in the way of your lifestyle, but growing them long […]

Tricks to Eat Less

If you’re trying to lose those unwanted pounds, you might want to know some tricks to eat less throughout the day. Sticking to a healthy diet isn’t fun and easy. Between consuming bland foods and depriving yourself, you may simply give up after the first few weeks. When you fool yourself into eating less, it’s much easier to achieve your […]

Fitness Habits to Develop When You’re Young

There are a few important fitness habits you should develop at a young age to live a healthier, longer life. If you adopt unhealthy fitness habits when you’re young, as you get older, it will be harder to get rid of these bad habits. However, if you start leading a healthy lifestyle at a young age, it will remain a […]

Beauty Rules to Break

Whether you’re a teenager, a mom, or a CEO, there’s a certain thrill in breaking rules. If you’re itching to break some rules but don’t want to risk big consequences, take a look at these outdated beauty rules. How many of these can you break today?

Bad Beauty Habits

If the image that you see in the mirror is less than appealing, the culprit may not be bad lighting or even your added years. You may be sabotaging your looks with bad beauty habits. Breaking these ten bad beauty habits won’t transform you from a “5” to a “10,” but you will almost assuredly see a significant improvement in […]

Worst Habits of Unhappy People

Everyone wants and deserves to be happy, but not everyone understands what happiness is. Happiness lies in the heart and it always comes from the inside, not the outside. Unfortunately, many people believe money brings happiness and they are trying to earn more money in order to be happy. This actually is one of the biggest mistakes unhappy people make. […]

Get Rid of Bad Speaking Habits

It can be rather difficult to find a person who has an excellent speech without any flaws. Usually we have a lot of bad speaking habits that may cause different problems at work and in our everyday communication. That’s why we should work hard in order to eliminate certain errors from our speech. First of all, you need to discover […]

Sleep Habits of Happy and Successful People

Have you ever thought of how successful people reach their goals and realize their dreams into reality? One of the things that help them is sleep habits. As Dalai Lama once said “Sleep is the best meditation,” and he couldn’t have said it better! All those successful people everybody knows and rave, they know how to go through life with […]

Habits That Will Simplify Your Life

There are a few certain habits that can really simplify your life. I believe simpler is better, and that’s why I’m doing my best to get rid of excess stuff in my life. Happiness lies in small, little things, so why make life so complicated? Simplicity reduces heaviness in your life and makes it happier and lighter. Here are eight […]

Signs You Are Dating a Princess

Signs You Are Dating a Princess : Dating a princess is a lot of work. She wants to be treated like she is something extraordinary every day and won’t accept anything less.

Start Eating Healthier

It’s not a secret that every woman wants to stay beautiful and healthy throughout her life. One of the main things you need for that is surely a healthy diet. In most cases, our beauty is the reflection of our eating habits. Isn’t it the reason for you to start eating better? To have a wonderful skin, hair and body, […]

Get Your Life in Order

Looking for ways to get your life in order? We often care for others, but we should first care for ourselves. Keeping your life in order is usually the major way to care for yourself. It’s the right time to commit to order, since we just entered the new year! Here are a few ways to get your life in […]